Saturday 8 February 2014

Career advancement in a ‘flat’ organisation

Modern workplaces are more or less ‘flat’ – shortened pecking orders, reduced number of designations and an absence of traditional offices at the end of a corridor. The general working environment in a flat organisation is democratic and quite a few people enjoy and succeed in it. There are others who are invariably support promotion policies, system of appointments and designation and other requirements of a vertical workplace; they are generally very apprehensive and lose sleep over the issue of their own career progression.

Any worry related to career advancement in a flat organisation is unjustified. Even though there are limited people at the apex, people down the ladder can still increase their knowledge base so that their job prospects stand facilitated. The catch lies in looking beyond the gratifications obtainable by performing well and also making efforts to acquire newer skills, realizing aspirations and heightening your value. To be able to do this, you need to:

· Be an expert in your own field: There are several flat organisations who do not waste time in promoting people, particularly in managerial positions. On the contrary, the work-force is divided into teams who have no restrictions on managing themselves. While a team leader is necessary to coordinate matters, the appointment per se is on a rotational basis, thereby affording a chance for exposure to everybody. In most ‘vertical’ organisations, high performers get to hold managerial positions, which, in fact, drifts them away from their forte. In flat organisations, high performers are compensated with responsibilities to lead additional projects so that a feeling of ownership is instilled in them. The emphasis is thus on becoming an experienced specialist rather than a simple manager. The opportunities afforded help in monumental expansion of knowledge base so that mastery over job is attained. While this may not be akin to ascending the career ladder in the true sense of the word, however, the expertise acquired stands a person in good stead in the years to follow.

· Be the supposed person above you:  Flat organisations are conspicuous by the absence of any person in charge to manage affairs, traditional pecking orders, stipulated work timings or conventional salary grades. All arrangements are free, open and unrestricted with equal opportunities for everyone. All employees are in the decision-making loop in some form or the other, including those related to individual benefits. The mantle of responsibility and headship automatically falls on an individual who happens to be an active player at that time. In the light of the foregoing, everybody gets a chance to conceive, plan, implement and steer projects. Every individual thus serves to galvanise others and be at the wheels of their own destiny.

· Be an advisor and guide simultaneously:  Flat organisations may not have conventional hierarchies, nevertheless beginners and underlings will still need people whom they can look up to. Pecking orders are thus substituted by working relationship – whether in the same team or outside it. By advising and guiding others, besides sharing your knowledge, bolstering of skills and display of dynamism are achieved. You also tend to derive immense contentment when you bring about a change in the life of fellow-workers.

· Grasp whatever you can & retain the option to branch off: The best method to affect career advancement in a flat organisation is by laying emphasis on acquisition of additional skills and if windows of opportunities are available, grasp them to begin a fresh venture. The pertinent point is that irrespective of whether an individual assumes greater responsibility within an organisation or decides to embark upon a new venture, cordiality of relationships is maintained in so such so that even post-departure is cordial, people look up to old associates for guidance. This manifests the fact that there are immense prospects for career advancement beyond old but time-tested and customary pecking orders.
Things have changed in the current times. Today, the only thing that is power is knowledge because it organises, directs and influences opportunity and progress. A flat organisation encourages you to take on assignments outside your specific charter of duties and facilitates participation in collaborative ones with other employees in different departments. It therefore, affords you knowledge and helps you to work to become, that is, advance forward. You work habitually more than what is expected of you and do not regard your past as your potential; since opportunities come your way, you can always elect to liberate your future. You get to climb the ladder of success by stepping on the rungs of opportunity

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