Thursday 27 February 2014

Do you have a personal productivity outlook?

A comprehension of time-management facilitates a good grasp of whatever you are required to do. However, you have to ensure that whatever you are required to do is actually done; personal productivity facilitates precisely that. An inability to do so manifests a discrepancy in one of these fields; and is largely a result of a mismatched productivity outlook, that is, confusion about what and how you need to do something.   

Your personal productivity outlook comprises certain rudiments and if you are finding it difficult in handling any of them, you need to take stock of your productivity arrangements to make certain that you focus appropriately on all your pedestals. The important fundamentals of your productivity arrangements are:

· Visualisation:  When you have a personal productivity stance and attitude, you are not vague about whatever is required to be done by you at any time when the need arises. You will be able to discern the outcome and all follow-up actions so that forward movement is not hindered. You may not require to envision each and every action that will be undertaken as you move along.

· Alacrity:  If you are appropriately systematized and have a good personal productivity arrangement primed, you will automatically be aware of various actions required of you in all tasks being undertaken. And when you are assigned a fresh one, you will efficiently consider all known facts to decide on specific actions without problem or without wasting any time. The procedure that you have in place will serve to remind you of what to do and when to do; and obviate all hasty actions.

· Dynamism:  If you remain unnecessarily preoccupied, it is evident that there is something amiss. You are perhaps not clear about handling your own productivity. On the contrary, if you have a personal productivity outlook, you are better poised to work on the projects assigned to you, including what you are supposed to do. In this way, you can be dynamic and proficient but without getting unduly hectic. 

· Self-identity:  Self-identity is generally misconstrued with selfishness. You can be productive, however, if being so hinders other obligations, no useful purpose is served. You simply cannot afford to be not personally productive, or put in simple terms, you should not be feeling as if you are unimportant. If you have a personal productivity outlook, you will have a self-identity with distinct principles and precedence; and will habitually probe all activities that are not in sync.   

· Current Obligations:  If you do not have an effectual personal productivity scheme for yourself, you will be unable to fulfil your pledges. You will always be wishing to be told about pending tasks or engagements. But if you have a personal productivity outlook, you will not suffer any ambiguity of actions required and hence live in your present on the strength of your past with a deep focus into the future. In short, you will be in control of yourself and your work at hand.  

· Antipathies:  At workplace, you cannot harbour dislikes and complaints because they serve no purpose; and do not facilitate solution to problems. Moreover, antipathies drain out enthusiasm levels because of the strains caused by incessant pondering. Having a personal productivity outlook entails a self-assured disposition so that you can handle difficult situations efficiently. And to be firm and positive, you need to release all feelings of antipathy.

· Self-absorption:  This implies self-interest as distinct from selfishness; the former does not include any element of egoism or greediness. And if it does, the conclusion is that you have scant regard for others when they get upset. Self-absorption ought to be synonymous with self-effacing conduct so that you selflessly assist others to fulfil their requirements. While self-centredness and egocentricity may also be occasionally required, they are not recommended to handle life as an activity. The most apposite attitude is one of self-absorption in that you derive delight in helping others to attain their objectives but without giving up on your personal aspirations.   

· Precedence & Focus:  A personal productivity outlook helps you to determine anything required to be done at a particular time and thus facilitates concentration. You cannot engage in more than one activity concurrently or keep alternating from one task to another because you will not do justice to any of them. Moreover, you will consume more time and the final outcome will not be as favourable as it would have been if you had undertaken each task individually.

A good time-management disposition is inescapable to find out what you want to attain, accord precedence and discern what actions will be more fruitful. A personal productivity outlook ensures that you do whatever is required to be done; in other words, you are able to seize each of your obligation, choose the best option and make sure that relevant action is indulged in at the correct moment. While good time-management takes care of macro issues, your personal productivity outlook assures due consideration of micro matters. Combined, they help you to perform better and derive contentment.  

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