Thursday 27 February 2014

Learn to like & enjoy your job

There are many people who like their job. They feel that their colleagues are understandable enough and serve to inspire them. Yet, they find their work a tiresome and monotonous toil. Every morning they suffer from Monday morning blues. How can they overcome such woes?

The fact is that there is nothing unusual about such feelings. This does not imply that you have to put up with them. You can always refuel and rejuvenate yourself so that every minute of your work is sixty seconds worth. In any case, if you love your job, rekindling the dwindled passion will not be difficult. Here is how you can do so:

· Evaluate & involve yourself:  Surely things are smooth sailing for you and the fact that it is so should be encouraging. However, you need to catalogue aspects of your job that you love and the list could well include your colleagues and seniors as also the very nature of your job. Issues related to the workplace environment and the facilities extended to you should also be reduced to writing. Likewise, aspects that you abhor to include commuting timings or absence of work facilitators should also be noted. Making a like and dislike list will help you identify the upbeat aspects and serve to motivate you day in and day out as also issues that have put you off; you can definitely get over disconcerting features of your routine. A comparison of the two lists will throw light on what is pre-eminent and help you discern if the overall situation is fine or bad. Your perspective will be clear and can always change for the better.

· Keep reminding yourself:  The list of upbeat facets that you compile should be perused off and on to boost your motivation level today, tomorrow and always. In addition, your self-respect, self-assuredness and security will stand greatly enhanced. Resultantly, you will appreciate your work, start enjoying it more and derive great job satisfaction. The point to note is that you need to glance at such jottings periodically and doing so will help you to negate the discouraging effects of downbeat issues.

· Take a sabbatical:  Do you remember the last occasion when you took a break from your busy routine? Most people accumulate their leave entitlements and after some time let it lapse. Therefore, it is always a good time to take some time off to relax and rejuvenate yourself. This will help you ward off fatigue. Even if you are not having problems doing whatever you like, you still need time to take a sabbatical and let bright ideas come to your mind. Indulging in a non-work related activity will facilitate this.

· Guide others & be guided: The likelihood of monotony and boredom about to creep into your routine cannot be totally discounted. Well, such a development can eventually be disastrous and hence nipping it in the bud is always recommended. You should focus on maintaining an appropriate work-life balance by pursuing leisure activities to include guiding others in their work. This will help you to evaluate your progress and new things learnt so and hence help you to share your knowledge with others. In a large number of instances, associating oneself with a guru can also be an exhilarating experience; interacting with somebody who has gone through what you are undergoing today and is currently in a position where you aspire to be. Guiding others and being guided by others can both be great impelling factors to perform better.

· Connect professionally:  If you join a professional club that has people of the same line as you, you will be presented with a plethora of supportive means. You will start building contacts with new people who face similar tests and contests as you. Just like an alumni meet of your school or college, attending organisational meetings as an ex-employee will be a motivating experience with support coming in from everybody.

· Pay attention to your wellbeing:  Happiness is more a state of health than of wealth. And a good rest is half the work. You may suffer from a fallacy that your work is a problem little realising that the problem lies with you, everything at work appearing to be okay notwithstanding. Remember that happiness starts with you and hence you should not falter on keeping yourself in good health – regular exercise, proper rest, healthy eating habits and an overall healthy conduct should be your focus.

 To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work. After all, work without love is slavery. And when you start taking pleasure in your job, you will automatically put perfection in your work.

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