Friday 28 March 2014

Discussing your career plan with your boss

You are the pilot of your career. The bearing in which it heads to is your concern and your boss or any of your colleagues are not really responsible for the course it takes. Of course, they may occasionally indicate openings to you, but the one that you ought to clutch depends on your enterprise. Though you may be clear about your career plan and what you seek to attain, you cannot assume that others too are likewise.

If you think that your boss can help you in attaining your objectives, then discussing your career advancement plan with him or her is in the fitness of things. In this context, some helpful hints are:

· Understand yourself & have a plot:  You need to set your career objectives prior to discussing your career plan. It is essential that you are well-aware about yourself and the place that you aspire to be at. You must introspect on the shape of things that you want the future to roll out for you. Before meeting your boss, you should be able to enunciate what you seek to do in the immediate future, the expertise that you need to possess for that and likely impediments that may preclude your move forward. It will not be out of place to make it known to your boss specific responsibilities that could be assigned to you and which will facilitate your advancement. A well-enunciated career plan will portray you in the correct light and manifest your resoluteness towards your career advancement.  

· Appreciate the viewpoint of your boss & organisation:  Discussing a career plan is a delicate and complex matter, particularly when you have been recruited for an explicit function. It is essential that you discern the standpoints of your boss and company before deciding on discussing your plan with him or her. Issues that you should be clear about are the degree of encouragement that your boss is likely to give for the advancement of people under him; pressures, if any being exerted on him; whether your company is favourably disposed towards the career growth of its employees; and your boss’ locus standi to influence the management in your favour. It is only after such appreciation that you can decide on draft your discussion plan.

· Structure your conversation appropriately:   You cannot ask your boss when the chair being occupied by him or her will be vacated so that you can move in. You must ponder over his or her reaction, if at all you do so. You may aspire for it alright, but you should not make such an intention known. If you are able transmit your ideas decorously, the chances of getting support are evidently high. How do you then go about? First and foremost, you should express your gratitude to your boss for looking after your career interests; talking about specific instances will be of great advantage. You must talk about your present work profile and the level of expertise that you have been able to develop till date, of course with his or her guidance. Concurrently, your opinion about how your career has been in the company and how you are keen to keep on making useful contributions. It is only then that you should make your plan known – how you envision your future, higher responsibilities that you want to shoulder, people with whom you like to be associated with and qualifications that you want to acquire to realise your dream. Thereafter, you can solicit his support and direction. Before breaking off, an expression of gratefulness will serve your interests.     

· Select the most suitable time for discussion: An apt timing for discussion is important. Your career plan may be sound and your boss may be highly accommodating; and you select your words well. However, if you think that prevailing conditions are not in your favour, it will be prudent to postpone the discussion to a later date. The ideal time for discussing your career plan with your boss is during appraisals because your boss will be able to appreciate your work all along as it would be on record.   

The best of career plans will serve no purpose if you do not get support from your boss. To be able to solicit it, you should be unambiguous about your objectives, the culture of the company you are working with and the characteristics of the boss serving under. In addition, you should articulate yourself without raising any eyebrows at an opportune moment. But most importantly, believe in yourself and your abilities, because sans an unpretentious but realistic sureness in your own powers you will not be able to give shape to your career plan.

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