Friday 4 April 2014

Have an edge over other job-aspirants

The current times are witnessing very rapidly emergent market drifts. Coupled with them, intense contests are also there and these have led to swelled up numbers of job hunters. The job hunters are also of two categories – one who are unemployed and two who are looking for a job change. However, companies regard all job aspirants as simple job seekers and deliberately or unintentionally tend to underrate them. All job hunters are seen as people out to press their case for employment; this evidently leads to judgments that typically reduce the adeptness and know-how of applicants.

The above makes it necessary to take steps so that you do not project yourself as another person out to get a job and alter the manner in which potential businesses and companies look at and consider your profile. What should you be doing in this regard? You should restructure your curriculum vitae as an open-minded individual and continual student out to drive your career.  The following is recommended:

· Trail existing drifts & developments:  A large majority of job seekers suffer from a fallacy that mention of past experience in their resumes will invite favourable attention of prospective employers. Conventionally, organisations have been seeing courses attended and qualifications of candidates together with their practical experience as an important consideration for recruiting the best individuals. However, fast shrinking global markets has given birth to an intense competition by multinational companies and which has resulted in a severe modification in both their predilection and recruiting processes.  Today, companies seek to recruit people who possess knowledge and can apply the same to their work. The judgement to recruit is regardless of the quantum of training courses that you may have attended or the experience to your credit. The mandates and ultimatums of fast altering and fast emerging markets are gradually rendering hitherto fore useful training courses and experience as meaningless.     

· Incorporate incessant learning in your curriculum vitae:  You should guard against depicting your curriculum vitae in a thorough configuration. It is essential that you discern prevalent knowledge inclinations and subscribe to training courses that are relevant to your field of work. You could embark upon them while you are out job hunting and incorporate your endeavours in your resume. This will portray to your prospective employer that you are well-versed with latest technology and that you are making serious efforts on your own accord to upgrade your knowledge with progressive skills. Your image will thus be transformed – from that of another person trying to get a job to a specialist – and resultantly, other things being equal, you will draw favourable consideration.

· Embrace effective career management: Till not very long ago, if you served a company with hard work and devotion for long, you were rewarded with better roles and greater responsibility; you thus enjoyed inherent job security. Under such a system, career management was largely organisational obligations. However, today, things are quite the opposite. With increasing reliance on technological advancements and fluctuating requirements of clients, organisations are unable to prognosticate the strength of their human resources even six to eight months ahead. Decades of hard work and devotion can only be imagined by you; a flood of temporary jobs have been a fallout of altering market trends. Under such a situation, you should stay updated with prevalent market trends and be in firm control of your career. Hopping jobs from one organisation to another is what you should do without reluctance but with due deliberation till such time you feel satisfied and an optimistic result is perceived.

Your very career advancement can take a beating if you are not in harmony with the speed of technological progress. You must learn to become practised, skilful and proficient in your own field so that you come to be regarded as a hard-earned and indispensable strength of the company that you work in.

Remember that intelligence is your ability to be flexible and change. But given the changing market trends, ability being able to catch up with the demand for it is a difficult affair. You should be proactive enough and be at the wheels of your career. And when you find the ability to believe in yourself and also believe in your capabilities, the sky will become an infinite expanse of both opportunities and possibilities. You will be able to build a great career for yourself. And since no one rises to small expectations, be a person of ability rather than an ordinary job seeker.

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