Friday 14 March 2014

Factors for career success

The ladder of success is best ascended by stepping on the steps of chance and possibility. That implies that action is the initial key to it. In other words, success is a science and you get to clutch the outcome if you have the circumstances. That implies that action is the initial key to it.

There are basically five aspects that if you follow, you will keep getting impelled and success will be yours to kiss. They are:

· The most opportune moment to do anything is now:   Deferment, postponement and stalling anything are all measures that you take to keep up with yesterday. Nobody will ever appreciate you if you come up with indications of idling or being lackadaisical. You should be ever ready to confront your work; and towards such an inclination, you must have a line of action towards your work. You simply cannot afford to drag your feet because if you do, you will never complete your project in time and in the process will never be able to win the trust of your boss. Resultantly, you will never be in the scheme of additional assignments.

· Be clear about what you are required to do next:  You should never be in haste to depart from a conference because then you will not be clear about what you ought to be effecting; the deadline that is required to be adhered is also a component of the foregoing. There should be no doubts in your mind whatsoever. And if you happen to be senior enough, formulating the line of action is your obligation. If you are clear about responsibilities and sub-responsibilities as also the deadline, you automatically become dynamic and fruitful. The fruitfulness aspect is the simplest to run through and increases the prospects of your career success

· Be watchful and perceptive:  You should be acutely noticing people and goings-on that surround you at work. This does not demand poking your nose in the affairs of others and start blathering. Every workplace has its own subtleties and undercurrents; and you should guard against getting dragged into matters that can be detrimental to your career interests. The point to note is that being watchful and perceptive leads you to being alert and cautious. You will thus get aware of working procedures and various sensitivities involved. The outcome will be that you will understand your working environment better and gel with it well; likewise, others will also relate with you respectably.

· Never ever shrink from propriety:  No person in this world has lost anything by being nice to others. Propriety causes you immense gains and helps to vapourise misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility. You do not have to ties shoelaces of others if they are open or serve them water during mealtime. A simple greeting of the day or a friendly smile while making way for a lady is all what basic propriety is all about. And when you indulge in politeness and decency as a habit, you also prompt others to do similarly. Propriety also entails being systematized and methodical in everything that you do or act upon so that you come to be regarded as productive. Other things being equal, if you do not shrink from propriety, your career will register an upward swing.    

· Don’t hesitate to exchange cards:  You may not be familiar or acquainted with all people and personalities in your field for work. Therefore, you should endeavour to find out who those people are and the place where they are. In addition, it will always be prudent to find out specific places and timings that such persons patronise in their leisure. Your maiden efforts should be directed to your co-workers and associates. The world is all about networking and when you start with people in your vicinity, your face starts getting known and accepted. Over a period of time and as you widen your contacts, your name will start getting recognised. However, networking apart, you should not falter on your efforts because eventually it is your hard work and delivery of results that will matter.

The best way to predict the future is to create it. You can definitely create it by getting started and begin doing. If you do the best right now, you will position yourself the best for the ensuing minute.  You simply cannot carve an image for yourself on the basis of what you dream or what you intend doing. You have to do something on ground and do it exceedingly well. After all, rewards are always preceded by hard work. You cannot harvest pleasure and elation without seeding tears.

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