Friday 7 March 2014

Make your career success happen

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

– Abraham Lincoln

There is no denying the fact that you are the maker of your own career success. You are its author, designer, engineer and architect. And nobody else is.  It should be remembered that in this entire process, being accountable and liable for your actions is a prime factor for success. Therefore, you cannot escape that responsibility.

The question, however, is how do you bring about your career success? You can do so if you realise and understand the following tenets:

· The resolution is yours:  The resolution to seek success customarily precedes its attainment. And that resolution is also invariably yours. Nobody else can take a call on it, leave aside a decision. It should be remembered that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. And if you do not, you gain nothing and accomplish nothing; the initiative has to come from you. You take a mindful decision on the basis of your own assessment of various factors. If you truly want to achieve success, you will find a way to do it, in spite of any or all obstacles. You will realise that by the very resolution that you make, you will scale all barriers between you and your success. However, it is important that you envision and define success as perceived by you; that is precisely why you are the author of your own success story.      

· You are the key player:  Your friends, philosophers and guides can show you the way and inspire you, but eventually it is you alone who has to make it a reality. You are the prime mover and facilitator of your success. You have to realise the value of hard work and that can be done by working hard. You may dream of success and even a miracle cannot transform it into a certainty. Since nothing but weeds grow without hard work, you have to sweat it out and do so with fortitude and resolve. Your success will depend on a large measure on your personal initiative and efforts; and hence it is you and you alone who can truly be the architect of your own success. 

· Planning for it is your baby:  If you fail to prepare for success, you will be preparing to fail in achieving it. There are many people who are unable to achieve any success and attribute their failure to their bad luck. They do not realise that the only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work. In fact, bad luck is simply an excuse for not working hard. You have to plan for your career success and that entails bringing the future into the present so that you are able to take necessary action in advance. You need to challenge and defy your shortcomings by way of knowledge and expertise; and thereafter, put into practice a strategy to bring about an enhancement and perfection. Here again, the preparation and planning is your initiative and therefore, the responsibility to make your career success happen is only yours. 

· Trouncing challenges is your concern:  Your career path will be a bumpy ride; you will encounter innumerable challenges in your career journey. You alone will have to knock them out. Your ultimate measure as an individual is not where you stand in times of comfort and convenience, but where you stand in moments of test and storm. And when you are able to overcome challenges, you always feel elated in your spirits. People generally blame their circumstances for whatever they are; this is baseless because you have to get up and create the circumstances that will facilitate your career success. In many instances, your own thoughts and conduct will be challenges by themselves; and you simply cannot persist with them. You will need to swim upstream to reach your destiny. There will be people to assist you, but trouncing all challenges will per force have to be done by you. This fact also supports the fact that your career success is to be actualized by you.

If you want to achieve success in your career, you must hold an image of it in your mind. You simply cannot keep dreaming about it; you have to knock off your slumber and toil at it. And unless you endeavour to do something beyond what you have already attained, you will never move forward. If you have to make footprints on the sands of time, you cannot keep squatting. The truth that you engineer your own career success should be viewed as positive scoop because then you will be at wheels of your own calling.   

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