Friday 4 April 2014

What do you want to do in life?

The above is a question of the ages and is relatable to everybody. A child may respond differently to a person in his or her mid-twenties. The response of a person in his or her mid-thirties may be totally different to that of someone approaching fifty. While child may dream of becoming a locomotive driver, a pilot or even a footballer, a person who has been in work for a decade or so would feel that he is well over that stage. 

The state of markets and belt-tightening efforts worldwide has impelled the hunt for worthier, superior and lucrative employment. The situation could actually be more problematic than what perceived. But then all clouds have a silver lining. If you recollect the workforce that existed during the depression, you will realise that a number of people had to wash their hands off their jobs; they simply had to forsake their professions. However, and luckily though, work is not seen a profession that one ought to be wedded for life.

Of late, changing careers has become a trend and young people do so several times even in their first decade of work. Alterations, modifications and deviations are accepted customs and models today. The ability to remain open to change and adapt to it is generally appreciated as the benchmark that moulds people for success as they set out on a pre-decided career map.

Today, career options are countless and in fact, flourish as a mode of life. In the light of this startling fact, workplace problems are very routine and have come to be an inseparable part of our culture and social order. You will find scores of people who battle with doubts related to their career trump-cards. They are plagued with uncertainties and talk about initiatives that they ought to take to move ahead in their careers; entrepreneurs do likewise about their businesses.

So, how do you respond to the question of the ages, your own age notwithstanding? Here are some guidelines:

· Fervour & ardour vis-à-vis title & status: What is it in work that arouses your feelings and boosts your enthusiasm? It is not the rank, standing or importance of the work that actually matters. You should be able to identify specific areas of specific tasks that you have accomplished or those that you feel would be terrific to be associated with. Those are the urges that you ought to be craving for and seek in any type of work that you undertake or want to undertake.  

· Dogging of personal catalysts & facilitators: How can you improve by making fine adjustments to your previous or present work so that you are able to convert them into a launch pad to leap forward from? You should be absolutely clear about what you can seize today to refine your own private folder that could assist you to validate the worth that you can contribute in your company. 

· Your disposition gives you scope of freedom: You could be working anywhere in any designation. Whatever and wherever they be, how can you derive satisfaction – both physical and mental? You should be able to spot minimum three or four aspects of your work routine or for that matter even your job hunt efforts that could be put to an optimistic twist. Since all dispositions and outlooks are transmittable, you must improve your capability to discern and concentrate on upbeat aspects, even if the venom of deleterious issues seem to be unsurpassably immense. You must transform yourself into a progressive, constructive and optimistic person that all employers vehemently seek to hire so that positivity pervades their environment.

· Steer & traverse the networking calling: Any proposition to seek help of those whom you hold in esteem is worth its weight in gold. You could ask them specifics of what you should be knowing or becoming adept at. If they harbour genuine concern, they will be more than willing to join in your efforts and help you in getting to know people who matter. You should spare no efforts in this regard.

It is important that you be an exceptional form of yourself rather than an inferior form of somebody else. Though you cannot alter wind direction, you can always adjust your sails to reach your destination. In other words, you should be well-prepared to toss the life you planned to gain the life that lies ahead of you. Remember that change cannot be dispensed with and to deal with it, a flexible mind and willingness to learn are inescapable.

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