Friday 18 July 2014

Justifying job changeovers

Today, a single job is not a lifelong pursuit. Statistics indicate that most people switch jobs every four or five years and this periodicity is gradually being reduced. With an increased focus on self-employment and contract working, companies are reconciled to the fact that there will be attrition.

The phenomena of jumping jobs has thus come to stay. And there is apparently nothing wrong about it, provided it is done for the correct reasons and there are no violations of ethics involved. What all should you should keep in mind, if at all you need to do job hopping?

What is that you must do? Issues that you should invariably ensure before leaving your job for another are:

· Don’t lose sight of your objectives: You could serve in a job for a year or five years. It is important that while taking any step for a job changeover, that move per se should draw you nearer to your prime aim. It goes without saying that achievement of your ultimate objective calls for splitting it into smaller, realistic aims.

· Assess your emotive conditions before changing: You need to be unambiguous about the purpose of your changeover and not let your sentiments come in the way of your decision. If you are under any stress or strain, pend your decision to leave.

· Go for better prospects: A job changeover is justifiable if it has the prospects for individual and professional advancements. You must go ahead with a job change if you can clutch an opportunity to shoulder higher responsibilities, attain vertical growth and acquire in-demand, vendible expertise.  

· Join for the ‘value complement ’: You need to find out maximum about various companies that you are eager to join and make your motive of value complement known to them. It is essential that you explicate to them that an organisation which is well-established and flourishing is what inspires you and that it is your earnest desire to have a long-term association with it.

· Make your contact base robust: Your networking efforts are the most effective job hunting tool at your disposal. Hence, you must go all out to develop and reinforce your bonds and associations – both personal and professional. You may not realise it, but a positive and favourable remark by anyone who you quote as a reference can go miles in capturing an excellent job opportunity.

What are various aspects that you need to guard against when doing job-hopping? Besides leaving on a cordial note, it is important that you exercise due caution towards some pertinent aspects. You should focus your efforts and energy on the following “Don’ts”:

·  Don’t job-hop without demonstrating performance & growth: It is necessary that before you switch a job, you should have contributed usefully to it. Any move sans demonstrated performance will send wrong messages and create wrong impressions.

· Don’t leave incomplete assignments behind: Leaving behind unfinished work will project you as inefficient and manifest your inability to cope with change. And if that happens to be a rule rather than an exception, you may not get a job that you are wishing for.

· Don’t think that life at your new job will be a bed of roses: You will have to start from scratch at your new job. The work that you do and the results that you accomplish will be a subject of intense watch. And this will entail building new bonds and going through an absolutely new process of learning.

· Don’t attempt to conceal facts: There are some aspects about your life and career that you should not cover up. When you attempt to hide why you left a company (you could have been fired), remember that the facts will come out some day or the other. 

· Don’t forget to find similar ideas & patterns: While any gap in your career will raise eyebrows, the fundamental necessity is to give a factual and convincing account of your career journey. During interactions and interviews, you should begin by explaining what your career dares and defies are; and then dwell on various ideas and patterns that are common to all your experiences. An objective recount of your skills that went to make success happen should also be appropriately dovetailed. It is also essential that you talk about your keenness to be a continual learner and how this will facilitate achieving whatever you have set out for in your career and life.

Your frequent job changeovers will speak in your resume. To counter any adverse conclusions being drawn, you need to emphasise on your experience in various companies that you have worked in and how you made a difference. You will have good reasons to justify your job-hopping ventures; in case situations arise, you will have to find convincing answers for your moves.

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