Friday 18 July 2014

Be at the helm of your career track

If you talk to people out to get a job, you will hear the buzzwords, “My career is jammed” or “I think my career has reached a road block” or words to that effect.

The implications of the above remarks could be many. It is likely that the organisation in which a person is serving is good alright, but he or she is unable to effect a career advancement at a desired pace. Alternatively, a person could be performing the same role for a long time and is unable to graduate to higher responsibilities. It is also possible that there are many who have been rewarded with promotions and raises, but unfortunately the person in question is being repeatedly looked over.

In the light of the above, the writing on the wall is clear. Whatever or wherever you may be at present, you need to make more investments in your career. In respect of large majority of us who are not exerting abundantly and not making ample investments, this may be a seemingly and understandably undemanding proposition. You may feel that that you are toiling relentlessly or have some expectations from your organisation because of which you cannot offer plausible reasons for your inability in this context.

The above notwithstanding, if you are willing to intensify your efforts to improve yourself, there is wherewithal readily available that can be of immense help to you. But the single most important method is to get at the wheels of your career and step out of your virtual world’s   relaxation and security to experiment with some new methods.

There are four action fields that you need to take more seriously and they are:

· Being responsible & answerable to yourself: You will have to alter your attitude and outlook so that you do not get stuck at work. In this context, the need to have a well-defined objective is inescapable – an objective not detailing the position that you aspire to be in three, five or ten years from now; and the methods to attain them. You need to be clear about the immediate next position that you aim to clutch. Once you identify and define an immediate objective, you should formulate a line of action starting from your present position to attain that. Should you have any disparities and inequalities in your plan, they ought to be the issues that you must focus on. You should always remember that it is you and you alone who is responsible for your career advancement and no one else will ever be concerned about it.

· Getting to know how others regard you: The need to be aware about how others view you is extremely important. As humans, we have a tendency to be self-centred and which can cause monumental problems in our dealings. It is only others who can tell us of our errors in the way we think and that helps us to gain focus. Getting an honest opinion from others is indeed difficult, but there are established methods that you can effect. Consequently, you will gain incredible perceptions that will facilitate boosting your career instantaneously and concurrently.

· Creating a strategic support base: This may appear to be challenging because it calls for significant reflection, devotion of time and efforts for sustenance. A strategic support base is distinct from having a mentor, though the role of mentors is also very important in your career. You need to meet people, exchange cards and schmoose in the organisation that you are working in. This can be done in various ways, contingent upon your desired interaction technique. Affecting your networking well does not imply behaving in a servile or obsequious manner or being pretentious; it is also not about using situations or relationships between people for your own advantage. Networking is a fundamental career strategy and you will miss out tremendously on your prospects if you fail to adopt it.

· Employ systems to gain elevations: With the competitive environment that prevails today, getting promotions are a difficult affair. However, the question that needs serious contemplation is why others are rising up and you are not. To be able to get an elevation, you ought to be brooding, purposeful and professional vis-à-vis your career objectives. It may call for going through and comprehending the promotion philosophy of your set-up, the qualitative requirements of the next senior position and vital proficiencies associated with it. Interaction with the administrative department can help as also perusing information given on your company’s website. You should also be cognizant to the manner in which your immediate senior is substantiating your promotion to the management; it is important that you demonstrate to everybody that you are the most suitable candidate.

It is you and you alone who has to invest in yourself to bring about a transformation. Taking personal accountability will give you complete control of your destiny. After all, it is your life and your career. You are responsible for it. What for are you then waiting?

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