Friday 5 September 2014

Revivifying your job search

Unemployment being what it is today, getting a dream job is indeed a very difficult affair. Since the voyage of discovery is not in looking for new settings, but in looking with new eyes, you need to get cracking straight away and kick-start your job hunt all over again. When searching for a job, it almost feels like a full-time job in itself; and hence can be rather nerve-wracking and formidable. But you need not get worn down.

They say that to be prepared is half the victory. Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation. You should focus on the following: 

· Outline what you seek: You need to be clear about what you are seeking. Enunciating what you want to achieve and attain is indeed a difficult task and warrants serious contemplation to discern the position you want to be at, even if it amounts to taking a step back. You will be thus able to identify specific fortes that you would like to utilise in your job search efforts. It is essential that you know the type of people that you want as co-workers and the working atmosphere that you prefer to function in. These basic efforts will help you become aware of various job hunt tactics to be employed. And since you will know what you seek, should you need assistance, people will be able to render it readily.

· Anticipate severe hurdles: Intents and plans notwithstanding, all job aspirants generally get trapped in the same net over and over again. They face similar impediments, foremost amongst them being a restricted outlook brought about by impressions formed during their previous employment. Forgetting the past is what you should do. Another familiar hurdle is muddle. If your job hunt or even if a workplace is disorganised, you tend to experience intense mental confusion and because of which, your output suffers. You need to guard against all obstructions and inhibitions; and make certain that you utilise your time effectively to focus on your job search.

· Weigh your time apportionment: A job search is a job by itself, but unfortunately people do not understand this and deal with it rather perfunctorily. They do not devote adequate time for it. If you are on the look-out for a usual 9 to 5 job, you need to spend similar time hunting for one. Today, the options available are several – going through advertisements, searching online and meeting people to make inquiries. The need to manage your time well and apportion it appropriately for each one of the methods thus needs no emphasis. 

· Refine your dexterity plane: It is likely that you have got accustomed to the operational methodologies of your previous employers. But to emerge as a serious contender who fulfils all qualitative requirements, you should be in a position to envision skill sets that are pertinent and sought after by prospective employers. You must formulate a line of action to either refine or acquire them. You could do on-the-job training or even work free to gain experience. Taking memberships of professional clubs or writing a blog to emphasise skills essential for the role that you wish to perform will stand you in good stead.

·  Do good groundwork: You need to do your homework well. Racing through an interview is one thing, but being able to illustrate your knowledge with experiences is another and for which, it should be thought of in advance. Such experiences should relate to difficult projects that you undertook, how you went about handling crisis situations and what was the final outcome. Your narration should flow out naturally and not as a learnt-by-heart activity.

· Renew your self-promotion efforts: Your job search is a self-promotion exercise by itself. You have a marque tag and you need to infuse interest in people about you. Your curriculum vitae is the rudimentary instrument and which should be [H1] brushed up, taking help of professional resume drafters if necessary. You also need to focus on the social media to make certain that your communications are professional and coherent across different display sites. Your profile ought to be key-prolific and have inherent attributes to bring about participation in suitable professional groups. However, you need to monitor your confidentiality settings.

· Take time to enjoy: All the above recommendations apart, your job search has to be a sensible move in itself. If you have had negative experiences, you should not continue brooding over them, else you will radiate pessimism. It is necessary that you have your fair share of relaxation and enjoyment. Your frame of mind will remain positive if you spend time with friends and indulge in activities that you relish. You can never be sure that you meet a person who can give you a valuable lead or introduce you to somebody who can.

Abraham Lincoln said, “If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I would spend the first hour sharpening the axe.” This amplifies the truth that before everything else, getting ready is the secret to success. And a job search is no exception. Remember that opportunities generally do not come along, but when they do, you have to grab them.


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