Friday 31 October 2014

Find your way up in your current organisation

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”
- Nido Qubein
Everybody finds moving up the career ladder a challenging effort. Your career progression is supposedly your baby and to expect that your company will campaign for it, is like asking for the moon.
A wise man said that the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. And it is hard to beat a person who never gives up.  What can you do to rise up in your organisation? Some tips that have universal applicability are:
· Acquire additional qualifications: You may be deficient of a specific qualification and which perhaps is impeding your advancement. You must endeavour to acquire it at the earliest; seeking support for the purpose from your boss is recommended. In case, your company is not willing to subscribe whole-time for your study, you can also enrol for a distant learning programme or an online training programme.
· Gain practical experience: If you can identify a person who his performing a role that you aspire to be in, you must take his help. Even a short experience in a higher role will help you in the long run. If you acquit yourself well, your company will see your effort as a positive initiative and keep you in mind when an opening comes up. In fact, you would have created the desired responsibility for yourself.
·  Ensure that you develop individually & professionally: You can do so by cultivating the habit of reading and attending special events like symposiums and practicums. You should remain enthused at all times so that you harbour a perennially star outlook. The change that you exhibit will be observed and make a monumental alteration to your career forecasts.
· Deal with all matters professionally: You should strive to be a thorough professional. Be it your dress, demeanour or work, it has to be professional so that you are distinguishable. And when you stick out and show up, more than half your battle is won. It is necessary that you remain upbeat at all times, particularly during difficult times. A professional approach also calls for undertaking responsibilities beyond your charter; besides being projected in good light, you can use the experience gained for your self-promotion too.
· Be a solution provider & not a problem poser: Nobody will ever appreciate you for posing problems. If there is a hitch that you get stuck at, you must have a method for a way-out before seeking any clearance to address it.
· Enlarge your contact base: You need to increase your networking within your company, particularly people who could be prime movers of your growth. In this context, while it is also important to be well-aware of your fortes and career objectives, you should not miss out on events that are likely to be attended by people who are luminaries in their fields so that you can strike a chord with them.
· Sell yourself: You have to drum up your worth. You must always catalogue your accomplishments and make them known to the environment diligently. This will ready you to clutch larger functions as and when opportunities unfold. 
· Know how to handle your seniors: Your seniors, particularly your immediate boss can prove to be your best sponsor. But you too has to help them by sharing their workload. There is nothing wrong in indulging in a casual tête-à-tête with your boss on your own career goals and artfully apprise how you too have contributed in he or she discharging her functions well.
· Have a mentor to guide you: It is necessary that you identify a mentor within your company. This will give you a flying start. But if you find that it is not possible, you should identify a suitable external guide who can help unravel your capabilities and disable any restrictive or off-putting dogmas that you may harbour.
If you are realistic in your expectations and work conscientiously, you will be afforded opportunities for growth. It is essential that you conduct yourself professionally at all times and keep your company interests above everything else. Your aim should be to keep trying to do your work to the best of your capability so that you are able to establish your worth. There is nothing that can convey your talent and worth to your employer better than the results that you deliver. It goes without saying that the people who thrive and advance are the ones who are just not afraid of putting in their best.

Remember that if you want to taste success, you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success. And do not get bogged down with problems; grey skies are nothing but clouds passing over. And most importantly, you should not ponder over whether you are good or not. Get to know who you area and start acting like it.

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