Friday 17 October 2014

Reflecting over career change

    Your work and career occupy a large part of your life. The only way to be truly contented with them is to do what you trust is terrific work. And the only way to do terrific work is to adore whatever you do. When you feel that you are not growing in your work, it should be seen as something that is not really terrific. If your life is not broadening and deepening or if your work is not a perpetual tonic to you, it is evident that you have not found your place.

Do you feel jaded and stressed at work? Or do you feel that your job is no more inspiring? Either way, it is apparent that you are set for a change. However, before you proceed any further, you ought to decide if it is your job that you do not like or your career. You simply cannot jump to a conclusion that it is your career that is to be blamed. It is essential that you cogitate on what precisely you are seeking, lest you undergo a penitent experience once again. And if you are convinced about your readiness to embrace a career change, how do you go about it? You need to find honest answers to a number of questions like:

· What are my core assets? Everybody has attributes related to makeup, expertise, capacities and familiarities. Since they impact all your actions, you must bring your core assets together and express them well.   

· What do I aspire for? You should subject your ideals and beliefs to a fresh evaluation; and take a relook at how you prefer to work, including with less remuneration or on an honorary basis? It is essential that you discern and enumerate your central principles because they alone would indicate direction to you, specifically when things are in a state of flux. 

· What is that I need to do? You should be absolutely unambiguous about what you seek to do and what the environment will make it possible for you to do. It is necessary that you are aware of what your prospective employers would look for in you; this will help you to fathom where you stand and what additional qualifications you must acquire.

· Am I willing to make a new beginning? You should introspect to know if you have the capability to change direction. You may have to start from scratch or get back to a learning school. But the procedure can be protracted and if you have any other pressing problems, you may like to put off your decision.

· Is this career apt for me?  You need to work hard step by step to find out details of job prospects, leisure available, remuneration and special qualifications required. A career change can alter your life tremendously and hence any decision needs to be arrived at after serious contemplation. You could perhaps take a trial run by working part-time in your new profession alongside your current job.

· Do I harbour convincing anticipations? You may be fortunate to get a job of your dreams, but will the working environment be cent per cent favourable? You need to ruminate on the good and bad features before thinking of switching careers. Some employers may condone certain deficiencies based on other positive attributes, include your readiness to learn.   

· Can I use my current skills in my new career? Though you will lack practical exposure to the nuances of your new career, various abilities acquired in your current career could well be of use there. You must identify them.

· Which organisations do I aspire to serve in?  Before you actually switch over, you must gather maximum information about various companies, including critical problems afflicting them and your capability to address them. The companies that you think hold out positive prospects should be catalogued for ready reference.

· Who all can be of help to me?  Having shortlisted prospective companies, you could request your family and acquaintances to introduce relevant people to you. If you seek their advice and help, they will feel encouraged and concerned. On your own initiative, you could participate in professional events so that you widen your contact base and stand better poised to switch on to your new career.  

If you can give clear cut responses to the above questions, you will have on your plate everything that goes to make a career change a smooth and beneficial transition. Remember that when you are happy in what you are doing, you will appreciate yourself and derive internal[H1]  peace. When you have that, along with good, you will have more success that you could perhaps have envisaged. And to be successful, you have to follow your passion. The crux of the matter is that you have to stop thinking in terms of limitations, but start thinking in terms of possibilities. After all, life is either a bold quest or nothing at all.


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