Wednesday 24 December 2014

Thwarting blunders in career decision-making

Most people are unaware of how a career decision-making process works or how to get going with it. They commit blunders and land up in careers that are contrary to their inclinations, dispositions, skills and values. The outcome is that their work turns out to be sans any purpose or challenge. They tend to get ensnared between their life and work values. On the other hand, people who are meticulous and thoughtful in their decision-making invariably exercise gratifying career options.
Any decision to select a career cannot be arrived at based on consideration of any factor or factors. A career decision is actually based on a string of judgments that are passed by you as you move along through different phases of your life and gain familiarity with various facets of your career and shoulder varying obligations. By having a dogged and focussed approach towards career decision-making makes its process simple and undemanding.
The transition through different stages of life prompts alterations, adjustments and acclimatisation; and we adjust our routines and domestic responsibilities to conform to our current job requirements. Whether or not such adjustments are suited to make sound career decisions, is a million dollar question. The reason is primarily because of the fact that quite a few amongst us are invariably not contented with our present work and the adjustments made by us to make our lifestyles suit our jobs are flawed. Therefore, there is an urgent need to unlearn the mistakes made and then learn the actual facts about career decisions. Common career-decision blunders are:
· Taking a job based on parental sway: Your parents and others may like you to pursue a specific line that may not actually be your conviction. You need to guard against such impositions, though making some allowances will not be out of place. As an individual, you are exclusive in many respects and it is essential to uncover that exclusivity to develop your career.
· Getting into the first possible job: You are not a good overseer of your endowments and capabilities if it is ease and easiness that prompts you to take up a particular job. Your objective should invariably be to get into fields where you can put to use at work your most positive attitudes, strongest skills and soundest capacities.
· Choosing a job that does not entail optimum utilisation of skills: You could acquit yourself well in several jobs, but they are not certainly and inevitably the best options. Your selection has to revolve around your most resilient capabilities, robust personality features and persuasive drives.
· Choosing a job based on salary offered: This blunder is so widespread in our scheme of things that it will take a strong commitment to trust in yourself to obviate it. Your career selection has to be based on your inclinations, skills and capabilities; remuneration should be the last consideration. 
· Moving away from your present role: You need to talk over with your employers your attributes as pertinent to your work and make known to them fields that are your cup of tea. Expanding your present scope of accountability in your current role is a better proposition vis-à-vis drifting away from your established skill-sets and proficiency.
· Falling prey to high-sounding designation: It is doing what you excel at and get pleasure from that is important instead of selecting a career based on high-sounding appointments. If you fall for the latter, you will be overburdened and stressed out; and job discontentment that will follow will make you a failure. 
So, the question is how do you actually make a sound career decision? If you take the following preparatory measures, you will do well in the career that you embark upon:
· Research on various professions: You must delve into professions that go well with your flairs and disposition. Reading more and more, surfing the internet and meeting people across wide spectrums will help you to identify jobs that are in consonance with your ability contours.
· Seek to shed light on your life’s purpose:  You need to discover how your skills and capabilities can be used positively. It is essential that you are aware of your inherent penchants and how they can be utilised optimally.
· Decide on your maiden target and formulate a line of action to achieve it: This will encompass attending training programmes and acquiring additional qualifications. Additionally, the curriculum vitae that you draft should also mirror your aspirations, skills and capabilities. 
· Endeavour to be at the wheels of your career: In all likelihood, you will have to subject yourself to alterations and modifications to retain efficiency, remain abreast with technological advancements or maintain the required competitive edge. You have to mould and refine your capacities to make certain a good match with emerging situations. Remember that learning is an unending process and for which, there is nothing wrong in taking help of a mentor or career coach.
Making career decisions is an all-time process. It is all about searching and living through the world of work. It is also about understanding capabilities, curiosities, concerns, skills and values; and combining them to build a significant support structure for life. You will encounter several opportunities to repeatedly discover careers that will be in harmony with your altering lifestyle.

It is important that you remain an active participant in this decision-making process. Any tendency to choose outcomes first and then frantically hope that they do take place should be resisted. In other words, you should desist from casting yourself frenziedly for the demands of work; in case you do not, you would be disallowing yourself a truly satisfying career. 

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