Monday 15 December 2014

Turning a temporary job to a permanent one

A temporary job is a good opportunity to prove yourself, particularly if the job market is not favourable. Though surveys conducted indicate that about one-fifth of temporary employees get absorbed in permanent appointments, but going by current, temporary jobs are expected to rise. For evident reasons, organisations invariably look up to their temporary employees whenever permanent openings come up. Therefore, a temporary job is a good strategy to lay hands on a permanent one.
Temporary jobs are available in practically all industries and for every profession. If that be so, getting a foothold in a company of your imaginings is indeed a fantastic achievement. But your company also stands to gain because they will have an acquainted and trustworthy person working for them. You should convey to your employer that you like the temporary role and will continue to do so. And once you have established yourself in the temporary job with your good performance, you may make a request for a permanent one. Some tips to make you more marketable for a permanent job are:
· Don’t undervalue yourself as a temporary employee: Being a temporary employee does not signify your role as an inferior one and in way justifies any laxity in work. It is an excellent opportunity to excel and demonstrate your capabilities and capacities. If you take your work seriously, your company will also do likewise for you.
· Realise that no work is beyond you: You should proceed with every assignment optimistically, be ever willing to take on any responsibility and demonstrate your true worth. If you have time up your sleeves, seek additional work and surpass what is expected of you. You should display your capacity to work and establish your trustworthiness. It is a common belief that work does not stop in the absence of anybody and hence, that should not preclude you from cooperating with others and making useful contributions.
· Regard your temporary job as a stepping stone: Your temporary job is a chance for your employer to try you out. And concurrently, for you to do the same for your company. Your endeavour should be to remain zealous and excel at work. If you harbour any feelings that you are simply a ‘visitor’, you may start shirking work and even collapse. You need to create an impact of being a professional. Therefore, you must pitch yourself at a higher plane while doing anything.   Should you find that the company is not what you envisioned, you will feel glad that you did not get stuck with it for good.
· Gel well with co-workers: Settling down in a job is all about establishing appropriate bonds and links with your colleagues. Any consideration to offer you a permanent job will be contingent on your interpersonal skills and capability to fit well in a team. Your actions should be positive and any tendency to criticise the company or employees, including previous ones should be avoided.
· Ensure that you demonstrate your skills & knowhow: In most organisations, temporary employees are generally allocated specific roles and hence get no opportunity to exhibit their other skills. You must display your full potential and this calls for helping others in their work in case you are adept at it. You will be appreciated for your initiatives to boost effectiveness, productivity and revenues. Therefore, showing that you can add value will stand you in good stead. However, you must make certain that you do not deviate from organisational norms.
· Widen your contact base: A temporary job is a superb chance to network because you will be working and surrounded with people who would be observing you for your true worth. You should not feel constrained to meet people across various spectrums and pecking orders.
· Be aware of what is happening around: You should be observant and try hard to know more about the company, its working methodology and future plans. By displaying eagerness to learn and acquire knowledge, you will be better poised to convert your temporary job into a permanent one.
· Avoid sticking around for good: People advise against sticking at a temporary job for long; anything up to a period of eighteen months is fine. And in case if your solicitations for a permanent job are not heeded, perhaps it warrants a change. But in any case, you should not lose hope because you will have other opportunities. If at all you say adios to your company, do so on cordial terms and maintain contact.

Your career is like a roller-coaster ride. There will be ups and downs; and you ought to be prepared for it. Eventually, it is not what you attain that matters; it is what you have overcome that will define your career. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

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