Friday 20 March 2015

Is your career dream big & great?

“When you choose to do what you love and follow your dream, the sun shines even on the rainy days”
-Rodger Halston
Big dreams are marathons. And passionate actions are marathons of marathons. People who hold their fire are not worthy of it and those go give up evidently do not get it. Do you dream big and great for your future? Well, all successful people do so.
Do you have a passion that you would like to give wings to? Does that passion appear enormously mammoth that you are apprehensive to start off with it? In other words, you tend to abandon it even before the any initiative to even consider it. You can give it some shape through backdoor enterprise by talking about your career plans in the context of potentials and prospects that are a knock-on effect of your achievements so far.
The above may sound rational and workable at first thought, however, different thoughts and inklings may follow once you confer and deliberate. That is perhaps the time when you will discern and acknowledge what you in point of fact want to do in your career and achieve in your life. The big dream that you have been harbouring may appear to be lofty and cumbersome; and perhaps compel you to forget about it and come to terms with ground actualities.
It is rather intriguing to ponder over how actualities have come to be regarded as the be all and end all of everything. If you are practical and realistic, does it mean that you should be contended with everything small and ignore aspects that stimulate and motivate you? Your dreams and ground actualities do not have to necessarily be downright contrary. You should never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it; the time will pass anyway.
The big question, therefore, is “What is it that you must initiate with regard to your big dream so that it becomes matter-of-fact, within reach and attainable?” You need to engage yourself with something known as the likelihood continuum. Here is what it is:
· On a sheet of paper scale a line from 1 to 10.
· Whatever is your big dream should be reduced to writing alongside 10. Your big dream is what you would be doing had you been living your life king-size – it could be travelling the world, occupying the CEO’s chair of a multinational company with its office on the top floor of a skyscraper or even having your own business empire – something that really enthuses you.
· At Serial 1, you should write down the most trivial contribution that you can make or the least that you can do to bring some element of your big dream into your life. It could be going on excursions, visiting your dream workplace or working with any ancillary of a progressive organisation. In case you dream to have your own business empire, you could well fabricate an idea or an item and sell it to anybody in your social or domestic circle.
· Finally, you have to fill in all the interceding steps at Serials 2 to 10 with actions that you manifest your ascending levels of dedication and obligation towards your big dream. Each successive step ought to entail a higher degree of engrossment and not necessarily through work that offers you remuneration.
You will realise that your big career dream need not be all-inclusive or a zilch. There will certainly be some actions that you can initiate straight away that will facilitate bringing your big dream to a state of being. And yet, you will also realise that attaining your big dream may not be possible, at least in the immediate future. So does that imply that you should walk out on it? The answer is “No” because if you start taking some actions towards it today, you simply cannot prognosticate the prospects that will unfold as years roll by. Who knows that the future you see today will be the future that you will get?  

Remember that if you are unable to build your dream, someone else will employ you to help build for him and her. And that you should never truncate your dreams. When all your efforts are channelled through a common conduit for advancement, no condition can alter a single sentence of your success story! So, dream big and dream great; and make use of the likelihood continuum to puzzle out how you can begin to transform your passion into reality. Most importantly, remember that any dream worth dreaming, is worth the effort to make it come true.

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