Friday 13 March 2015

Use your inspirational atlas to discover a great career

"Life is a game, you live so you play. Follow your dreams and win what your happy heart desires.”
― Roel van Sleeuwen
All of us struggle to find a solution to the vexed issue of what we should do in our life. Some amongst us tend to describe ourselves through our work and the solution lies in finding a career that gels with our inherent inclinations – something that inspires and is delightful. All successful careerists are self-conscious and self-responsive and hence it is necessary to have a laconic inspirational atlas. Such an atlas will help to serve as a pragmatic master-plan against which you can gauge the suitability of any job opening or career bearing.
The entire idea of inspiration may appear to be rather hypothetical or speculative and transforming it into an actual life option could also appear to be difficult. But yet, that is what is inescapable. A portfolio of your profoundest, all-encompassing and deep-seated principles and standards lies at the very core of your inspirational atlas. These standards vary for different people, but nevertheless embrace various approvals and gratifications that all of us determinedly look for, including encounters that tend to put people off.
Your principles and standards are characteristically what can be termed as your alignments. They manifest a belief, precedence, contentment, abhorrence or interactive outlook. Whatsoever be echoed, the principles and standards are describable results like accomplishment, allegiance, steadiness, self-worth, progress and understanding, etc. Most of your impelling forces generally take shape when you are young and get to be concretised with the passage of time as profoundly entrenched life issues. These life issues are nothing but fervently propelled enthusiasms; and can have both short and long term implications.
In order to conduct an assessment of what our inspirations are, your principles and standards need to be accorded a precedence. You will have to identify those facets about you that are truer and germane, including your aspirations. You will have to sift amongst them to segregate could-be, should-be and must-be categories. This will help you to discern which principles and standards are crucial or relatively unimportant. Having done so, you need to know your actions that facilitate articulation and realisation of your principles and standards. Depending upon your outlook, you make seek challenges, foster affiliations or simply play safe.
Impelling factors that cause you to act in a particular way manifest in the form of your conduct and deeds, but concurrently representing your principles and standards. It has been proven that individual mentalities invariably want to recurrently go through actions and feelings that please them the most. Therefore, if you can catalogue, accord precedence and knock down a couple of your most rewarding attainments, your most potent inducers will repeatedly emerge and re-emerge. In the process, you will also be able to see the primary principles and standards that they shore up. In other words, you will discern if you are inventive, imaginative, venturesome or independent, etc.
The crux of the matter is that every single principle and standard of yours should manifest continually in your work and life. In case, such a thing does not happen, your inspiration level is bound to plummet. There are many people who fail to differentiate their capabilities and aptitudes; they tend to swap inspiration for competency and then have misgivings about their lacklustre life. There are others who undertake to do what others tell them to do and in the process disregard their own principles and standards. 
In the light of the above, when you conduct any self-awareness, you must mull over all earlier life decisions or life-altering events. You should seek out the impelling factors that went to make those decisions; and find out if they truly represented your principles and standards as also whether they were gratifying or not. Having done so, you need to scout around for definite designs and contours in your principles and standards as also impelling agents. Such designs and contours, because of repeated usage become richer, intense and refined. The outcome is that your inspirational atlas assumes a concrete form and you become distinguishable vis-à-vis others. Your profile penchants and conduct thus mature. You can now transform your hitherto for abstract inspirations into an actual life inducements.  

The bottom line of all your efforts is prioritising your principles and standards so that your true inspirations come to the fore. And when you utilise your inspirations, you give wings to your passions. When you take a step towards your dreams, there will be problems and obstacles, but as you move ahead, you will overcome them naturally. There is no way now that you will falter in embarking upon a great career. 

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