Friday 13 March 2015

Script your own success account

“The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.”
 ~Mark Caine
It is your motivation that will get you moving, but it is your habits that will keep you moving. And in this journey forward, you must accept all challenges that you encounter; you cannot be selective in facing some and avoiding others. After all, fortune always sides with a person who dares and defies. That is the recipe for success – in your life and career alike. 
You should remember that you cannot connect dots looking forward. You have to look backwards too and have faith that the dots will come hell or high water, connect in your future. It is this optimism that will make you successful. If you are resolute, there will be no chance, destiny or fate that will ever subdue you.
Like many other successful persons, you too can author your own success story. You need to subscribe to the following philosophies:
· A journey per se is more thrilling than the destination: You need to dispel any quick-action and quick-result disposition. It is essential that you direct your efforts towards building a viable career. And that can be possible only if you work hard, are venturesome and display ingenuity. It is important that you take pleasure in whatever you do, despite associated impediments because your actions are meaningful for you.
· A person is the architect of his own fortune: It is only sheer hard slog and your outlook that makes your luck shine. Luck and fortune are not coincidences. You have to continually exert yourself and do something exceptional on a daily basis to be better poised to gain luck and then utilise it for further growth.
· Self-awareness & self-confidence are the keys to be a winner: You should strive to lead yourself and others with sureness and poise. Towards this, you need to envision things and undertake a quest to realise whatever you set out for. It is essential that you know yourself well so that you do not unnecessarily fritter away time and resources on issues that are not your cup of tea.
· Setting attainable objectives is a prerequisite for success: If you aspire to be successful, you cannot afford to grope in the dark about what you ought to be doing. In its simplest form, this implies that you should be well-organised for every day, week and month. Your objectives have to be highly fixated and reasonably big but attainable. They should be in harmony with your fortes so that you can move towards them with confidence.
· One should not be afraid to walk the extra mile: You may have a specific charter of responsibilities. But it should not refrain you from doing something extra. You should volunteer for additional tasks that are challenging or monotonous and which others are reluctant to undertake.
· Failures are stepping stones to success: It is a known fact that success is no cake-walk and that failures are inevitable in life. It is important to see failures as learning experiences so that better decision-making is facilitated. Many of life's failures are people who do not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Perseverance is not a marathon but several shorts races in quick succession.
· Learning is an eternal process plagued with inconvenience: The earlier you understand the truth of this axiom, the better it will be. To be successful, you have to be a life-long learner. More importantly, you should not be apprehensive of experimenting, even if you
· Answerability & accountability are prime attributes of a successful person: Since you cannot outright depend on others to complete tasks, you will have to play a major role yourself. And in the process, if you make mistakes, you should accept it as your doing. A mistake ceases to be a mistake if corrective actions are initiated to offset their negative fallout and preclude their recurrence.
· Changes are a part of life & one has to flexible: While there will be changes taking place around you, waiting to be influenced by them is not done. In fact, all successful people instigate changes and cause things to materialise.  You have to reinvent yourself to stay significant, otherwise you will miss the bus. It is necessary that you regularly offer new ideas, continually search for great phenomena and make efforts to stay updated. 
· Brevity is the soul of wit: You will be required to interact with people and make them believe you. In all your conversations, you have to be brief and concise so that you are perceived as confident and assertive.

Remember that if you have to be successful, your own craving for success has to far exceed any apprehension of failure that you may have. Action is the foundational key to all success; if you adhere to this, there is no reason why you will not have success touching your feet. 

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