Friday 24 July 2015

Kick off impressively on your new job

The initial two months at a new job are critical. You need to actually lay the foundations of a ‘good you’ to ensure that your career is on course. Your aim should be to embark on your career journey with purpose and gusto; and excel in it. After all, definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.
That you have landed a new job, you deserve kudos for it. It is up to you now to live up to your promises made and assurances given when you were being screened by the interviewing panel. You have to deliver everything that you are unreservedly required to do. Some hints to simplify your embedding at the new job so that you kick off impressively are:
· Be aware of what is in store for you: To be able to perform well, you should know for certain what you are expected to do. People err by accepting jobs that hold out high-sounding designations; what is expected of you is to be fully aware of your major responsibilities and what they entail. You should know who your immediate boss is and the people with whom you are required to collaborate. In case your predecessor is available, he or she can provide you valuable inputs on how to go about. However, you will have to take initiative to find out where he or she erred. A clear understanding of how you will be assessed will also help you to work on correct lines. In case if you are viewed as nosy and others are inquisitive and obnoxious, there is nothing wrong in it because it is much better than being people seeing you as a slow, apathetic and incompetent individual at a later stage. Therefore, if you show curiosity and inquisitiveness today, it will help you settle down fast. Needless to state, subsequently you can always calm down and retreat into your individual space subject to all doubts having been cleared.   
· Failing to plan is planning to fail: A goal without a plan is just a wish; therefore, it is essential that you plan for success. Your initial weeks at your job should also be spent in charting your way forward. The route that you select should invariably indicate specific signboards in the form of assignments required to be completed and qualifications that need to be acquired. Evidently, such signboards should be placed at intervals of time. Your planning has to be at both higher and lower planes so that whatever you plan and accomplish can be monitored. When you plan in detail, you get to discern where you are headed to. If you do not know precisely where you’re going, you will not know if you have reached there or not. The plans that you make should be accorded precedence too because that will help you to determine the importance of tasks and the time that you ought to be devoting to them.  You surely do not want to jump off an aircraft and then try to knit a parachute as you fall below. 
· Prime yourself by being well-organised: Organising yourself for your new job implies swotting all the findings you had about your company earlier. You could have been recommended specific studies too and you should do them with due seriousness. The team or section you get assigned to should be requested for all material that can prepare you to make useful contributions at the earliest. Being well-organised calls for planning your moves; this is more pertinent if your charter of responsibilities has been spelt out. It will be in the fitness of things to ponder over your previous performance so that you can identify your weak spots and take remedial action to mend yourself. It is essential that you lay down goals for achievement and envision yourself succeeding at your job by attaining the goals set, acquiring newer expertise and allowing yourself to not repeat past blunders.
· Get involved from the word ‘Go’: At work there is no waiting hall or waiting time. You should start shouldering responsibilities immediately. This will portray an image of your fervour, readiness and resolve to make useful contribution. But you must exercise caution when you make promises that you are unable to keep. Your aim should be to have more output and a faster output so that you add value to your work and name.  It is also essential that you do not deviate from principled tenets.
· Keep your eyes & ears open: Though learning is always an eternal process, the initial days at work are actually all about it. You should shed all your rigidity and take off with an open mind. Keeping your eyes and ears open does not imply keeping quiet; you must clarify all your doubts by asking questions. If you try and practise what you did at your last job or emulate what others did at your previous work, you are likely to alienate yourself from your new friends and bosses. What you ought to do is to mingle well with your fellow colleagues and help them out if the need arises. Remember that when you pay attention, you enjoy vitality and versatility; you connect with others well and makes you eager.

Remember that most organisations function on a system that recognises abilities and potential in that utmost importance is attached to your professional knowledge and expertise. But that does not mean that you have to indulge in unhealthy competition and deviousness to move up. Work hard and honestly; and your work will speak of you.

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