Friday 31 July 2015

Pivotal actions to develop your career

In order to succeed in your career and life, you need to be possessing acute self-awareness, requisite wherewithal and necessary skills. Irrespective of where you work or the nature of it, you should be able to discern what you can excel at and improve upon yourself.
The process of selecting a career path and planning to develop it calls for personal foresight and forethought. Your career journey cannot be expected to be a smooth sail; there will be ups and downs. Such demanding circumstances will call for serious reflection and effective decision-making. And your decision-making ability will be contingent on the quantum of information at your disposal and knowledge in your possession. Since knowledge is truly empowering and facilitates informed decisions, you stand to great advantage if you have it. However, you need to know what your knowledge deficiencies are and take appropriate action for its acquisition. Once available, it will require scrutiny and examination.
You could be at any stage of your career planning – selecting options, formulating a road map or evaluating a job offer – your decision-making abilities will be critical for your career development. You may even want to go in for a career change, but before you explore any such option, you will have to compulsorily comprehend what you are all about. You will need to be aware of yourself, your inherent capabilities, your principles, your propensities and your current position or status in your career journey. It is only after having done so that you should identify a new profession or job.
There are basically eight different but highly decisive actions that you need to take for your career development. They are:
· Gauge your aptitudes: You need to be aware of your abilities and proficiencies which could pertain to performing specific tasks, observation, communication skills, learning prowess and social attitude, etc. In other words, you need to be aware of your preferences and propensities. Once you are cognisant of and responsive to them, you can plot your career development with ease.
· Evaluate your dexterities: You always learn and develop your expertise and capabilities. But your capacities and aptitudes are inborn. Your dexterities and skilfulness are utility-focussed undertakings that over a period of time, you hone. Training, guidance, usage and practical run-throughs contribute towards improvement of your skills. It is all contingent on how you make use of and benefit from your intrinsic adeptness in acquiring handiness; the more speedily, effortlessly and effusively you acquire such handiness, your career development will be accordingly expedited.
· Recognise your individual panache: Every person possesses advanced outlines of speech and non-verbal communications; common and collective expedients; and character and behavioural individualities that are exclusive. People tend to always act in positive response to individual approaches and hence it is necessary to identify what those approaches are in your context. Knowing them will help you connect with other people better.
· Discern your appeals: A person is able to develop his concerns and interests with the passage of time. If you are clear about what appeals to you or what fascinates you, you can coalesce them with your capacities and aptitudes to be able to bring about a cohesive and thorough utilisation of both towards your career development.
· Know your personal annals: Your life and work principles are influenced and modelled by your family and upbringing. You should be well-aware of the manner in which your background and family history, including bonds therein have inspired, shaped and changed you as an individual.
· Connect with your principles: Your principles and standards prompt you to judge people and things. You are thus able to differentiate between issues that are ethical or[H1]  iniquitous, sensible or irrational and upright or vile. In other words, you are able to describe your reactions to people and happenings in your vicinity. If your mindfulness of your principles and standards are amalgamated with your knowledge of other dynamics, you evidently are poised better to accentuate your strategies and options for evolving a better career development.
· Attain your objectives: It is the objectives that you set for yourself that impel you to act on a continual basis. Whatever inborn capacities and aptitudes that you possess can prompt you to alter your objectives.
· Confront current issues: Every person has to face typical and critical phases or changes in his or her life. These phases could well be pertinent to your job or career or even both. Practically all career issues are either self-generated or prompted by outside causes like company shutdown or retrenchment. If you are able to define and look at developments provoking you currently, you will be able to come out with ways and means to overcome such transitions. Consequently, you will be able to make informed career decisions.
You need not restrict your thinking about success because you can always achieve what your mind allows you to achieve. It is your own resolution to be successful that matters the most. Let success not remain a dream; you can transform it into a reality by knocking off your slumber and work hard to attain it.


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