Friday 14 August 2015

Make your job pleasant & gratifying

 “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”
---- Aristotle
One of the most common issues that is frequently talked about is job contentment. Though it is based on several inquiries, demands and ideas, it cannot be described concisely. There could be some factors that mean the world to you, but others may not attach such significance to them. In this context, facets like salary package, working environment, charter of responsibilities and superintendence exercised over you are undoubtedly important. However, of late, the dynamics of non-rigid work timings, offering of facilities for learning and development, growth possibilities, recognition and feeling of determination are other influencing causes. If you are in love with your job, you will realise that the job you are in is indeed your cup of tea and that the salary package is also commensurate. In words, you are happy with the way your career is advancing.
Job dissatisfaction springs up if your job is excessively demanding and nerve-racking. Frequent travel or tours, schedules eating into your leisure, low remuneration, absence of healthy workplace relationships and insensitive management can contribute to workplace stress and eventually lead to job discontentment.
Statistics indicate that less than half of working people enjoy job satisfaction. How do you find out if you are contented with your job or not? Honest responses to the following questions will help you to discern the truth:
· Are your contributions acknowledged?
· Do you take delight in the work that you are required to do and feel that it is a good match?
· Do you feel that you are being paid well?
· Do you participate voluntarily in off-hours activities?
· Are you afforded opportunities to speak up and are you opinions and suggestions taken seriously?
· Do you enjoy a congenial association with your colleagues?
· Do your seniors work like genuine guides and inspire you?
· Does the work that you do and the charter assigned to you give you a feeling of self- attainment?
· Does the issue of job security bug you or not?
· Do you get adequate time to fulfil your other obligations?
It is also quite possible that you do not like your job, but yet cling on to it for various reasons, primarily financial. If that be so, the only viable alternative available to you is to love your job and work so that you remain satisfied. While job satisfaction is a state of mind, it can have different meanings for different people. In essence, it is something that inspires you to work and undertake assigned responsibilities with due enthusiasm and sincerity. Factors that keep you motivated and without which you cannot derive job satisfaction are:
1.   Working environment: Issues that comprise the working atmosphere, amongst other things are your work station, associations with your colleagues and relationships with your seniors. These aspects play a prime part in defining and moulding job satisfaction. Good relationships will always speak positively and manifest in the work output. People will genuinely want to be at work and as a result of this, their contentment levels will shoot up.
2.   Acknowledgement & support: If good work done or valuable contributions made is acknowledged, the inspiration levels of employees register a boost. And thus, the level of job contentment goes up. It is therefore, essential that all good work of employees is valued to boost organisational yield and profitability.
3.   Adequate remuneration: This actually is one of the most important factor that prompts an individual to take up a job. Job contentment gets to be remarkably swayed by the salary that an individual is paid for obvious reasons; even award of increments also matters to a great extent. Any employee who is satisfied with his remunerations package will undoubtedly display zeal and devotion towards his or her work. The job satisfaction will manifest in the form of increased productivity and work-efficiency.
4.   Attainment of objectives: Every individual harbours some aspiration or the other and seeks to attain some objectives. Such objectives have to be in consonance with professional advancement. Job conditions that lend support to attainment of objectives invariably offer more job satisfaction.
Your job should be a source of pride, self-reliance, self-confidence and your individuality. This will happen only if you are genuinely inspired. Such inspiration will come only from attainment, personal growth, job contentment and acknowledgement. And when that happens, you will love your work. You should always remember that it is your work alone that fill up a large part of your life and that the only way to be truly satisfied is by doing what you think to be great work. Doing great work will be facilitated if you love your work.

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