Friday 7 August 2015

Triumphing over career & life hurdles

No career journey is sans hurdles. If you realise this truth, the hurdles cease to be hurdles and can, at best be small jabs. The most painful of all jabs can also be converted to growth and success because every difficulty, every failure and every disappointment carries with it the seed of a greater or equal advantage.
During the course of your career journey, you are likely to encounter different types of hurdles. There are bound to be domestic issues, educational impediments and deliberate efforts by others to pull you down as you chug and focus on your way up in your career. However, the best way to deal with them is by simply storming ahead. And the greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. If you expect life to be easy, challenges will seem difficult; but if you admit that challenges will occur, life will be easier.
There is no hazard and luck that can bypass, impede or command the well-founded determination of a strong-minded person. You need to embrace all challenges on your career journey. Some guiding canons to overcome them are:
· Anything different is always good: You need not close your eyes to new and different experiences, opportunities, tests and trials. If you can learn something from them, how can they be bad? And if a different thing or experience can supplement the exclusive scheme that is you, the entire process will never be a miscalculation. For example, you may be thrust upon a new project and which you detest, but the process of learning will be there because you would reap a helpful understanding about yourself. In any case, being different is an advantage in every circumstance and situation – that is what true medley actually implies.
· All snags & hitches fuel advancement: Growth takes place only if you are elastic; your flexibility makes you bodily, psychologically and intellectually robust. You will never be able to appreciate your true worth and realise your full potential if you do not make an attempt to do anything in the first place; and exert and confront your own self thereafter. This in no way implies that you should be frazzled perennially because such a condition can be detrimental to your wellbeing. Everybody requires a break for rest and recoup; the foregoing makes it imperative to not evade anything tough just because it is tough. The times in life when things do not unfold as per your expectations can be the most powerful. You should try to clinch these experiences and understand that they are opportunities to learn, grow and evolve. You should utilise snags and hitches as a doorway to your dreams.
· All failures are learning experiences: Failure is an opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely. You should always remember that your best feels and advancement are invariably brought about through disappointments and fiascos. As a matter of fact, such learnings are better than succeeding with a narrow margin because you are able to learn the maximum about yourself in the process. More importantly, if you fail, it in no way implies that you yourself are a let-down or flop. A failure enables you to discern the difference between being the greatest and being your finest. You need to develop success from failures because discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. Remember that being the greatest always is more or less impossible to be but being your finest is rather attainable and contributes to true contentment and even victory.
· Keeping good company pays: In this world, your life is all about associations and connections – the ones that you build and nurture. You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. Relationship matter everywhere and hence you should not try to be a loner in your endeavours. The encouragement that you receive from others and the encouragement that you provide to others will always stand you in good stead. The truth is that life’s greatest joys also stem from this. Therefore, it is essential that you have positive people around you so that you always remain motivated and in high spirits to bash on regardless.
· Life is always about you and not others: There will be nobody who has had a cakewalk in his life. Everybody has his share of prejudice, disapproval, condemnation and other forms of upsetting treatments. There will be scores of people who would gun for you, spare no efforts to project you in bad light and even strive to wreck you. It is essential that you pay no heed to them and instead concentrate on your own success. After all, what is happening to you is just a miniscule portion of what is happening to others. While you may not hold the reins to exercise control others, you definitely hold them for yourself.

You should always remember that the career path that you embark upon is your own choosing. There is none who can discover it for you, just like no one can live your life.   

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