Friday 18 September 2015

Allay anxieties & stress of unemployment

“Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.”
-        Benjamin Franklin
There is no better thing for an unemployed person than an employment. If it cannot be offered, then you need to pep them up. And the best way to pep them up is by sharing with them how you faced similar situations and qualms. Uncertainties are always very discomforting, particularly when you have liabilities that have attached with them financial obligations.
The fact is that nobody knows anything about the turn of events and it is this aspect that prompts people to venture out. In the end, the results, if they are astounding are contingent on the efforts put in by you. So, the pertinent question is, “How do you face uncertainties?” The basic requirement, in this context is letting go of certainty. If there happens to be uncertainty of any sort afflicting you, you need to have an open mind and display acute interest and inquisitiveness. You will have to cuddle up with contradictions and enigmas.
The eventual and most critical challenge is to accept yourself precisely as you are. However, you should never ever give up on your endeavours to learn and move ahead. Employment or unemployment, you should remain calm. Here is what you ought to be doing to defeat the unease and worries of unemployment:
· Remain resolute: This advice may be easy to offer but is difficult to follow in real life. Your job-hunting efforts should not be found wanting because some day or the other, the result of your cumulative efforts will pay very rich dividends. Everybody feels miserable and drained out without a job, however, the feeling of resoluteness and determination keeps you moving. An absence of a good news today does not mean that every day to follow will be devoid of one.      
· Discuss your fears: Unemployment will always cause you anxiety. You must discuss your worries and apprehensions with others – those close to you, friends and relatives alike. It is wrong to presume that if you do so, you add on to their list of problems; in actuality, they feel better. Moreover, they get to know what is going on inside you. You should make special efforts to ensure that you do not become a victim of your sense of self. Remember that it is no crime to be without a job because you have no control over the state of affairs that prompt such a condition. When you discuss things out, you also create opportunities; for all you know the people who listen to you may be rather compassionate and propagate your case for getting w job.
· View things from a different perspective: The fact that you are unemployed should be viewed from a different perspective. Every single experience that you gain is a reason for self-examination. You need to focus inwards to determine various breaks and openings that could be there to set sights on other expanses that possibly fascinate you. And this ought to be your best prospect. In any case, you have nothing to lose whatsoever. There could be several pursuits that you perhaps wanted to take up but for some reasons could not do so. You should take time to cogitate over additional qualifications that you always wanted to acquire but never had an opportunity to do so. Informational interviews could prove to be a boon for you at this stage.    
· Set aside your sentiments and sensitivities: A period of unemployment is akin to ups and downs of an emotional journey because each passing day without a job can prove to be an intense experience. Under such circumstances, you need to forget all emotions of annoyance, resentment and despair because such feelings act as impediments to your decision-making abilities and adversely impact your judgement-making aptitude. You should remember that there are few issues that cannot be pushed in haste; you have to be composed and at ease with prevalent conditions. You should consider yourself free to do whatever you like but never ever get lose your balance or feel low about anything. Positive things will be drawn to you if you remain positive.
· Bash on regardless rather than waiting: Like in life, in your career too, there are certain aspects that simply cannot be altered and there are certain things that will come to you in a time-frame over which you have absolutely no control. Now, does this imply that you keep sitting dormant over them and accept things as fait accompli? The answer is a big “No”. In other words, you should agree to take rather than repel; put in simple words, you should keep doing what you should normally be doing. Whether it is forwarding your curriculum vitae to prospective employers or requesting friends and acquaintances to be on the look-out for openings, you should not be found wanting in your efforts. You will have to be in a dynamic mode if you want things to be in your favour.
All your anxieties are a threadlike stream of dread trickling through the mind. In case you encourage them, they will cut a channel into which all other thoughts will be drained. Your efforts should be so directed that you do not get attached to your worries in the same way that they do not get attached to you.


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