Saturday 26 September 2015

Underpin your prospects of career success

If you peep into the lives of people in the quest of doing well in their careers, you will find that most of them invariably dream big and seek more than the ordinary. And such people attain whatever they aspire for. Their outlook and disposition is such that success comes to them on a continual basis.
You may harbour varying ambitions and aim to achieve different objectives. But if you engage in the some fundamental actions, you will find that success comes to you at all stages in your career journey. The actions per se will help you know and appreciate your precise aspiration in life; steer you in the correct direction to carve out your individual professional distinctiveness; and help you to muster the desired backing in the eventuality of a tough going. These actions are:
·  Let your worries be converted to motivating factors: You should know how to convert your fears into hutzpah, qualms into certainties, reservations into confidence and apprehensions into encouragement. Such a dexterity will help you look challenges that you may encounter straight into the eyes and deal with them assertively. The crux of the matter is that you should learn to be more liable, in control and adept. You should view all experiences, howsoever trivial or big, as learning experiences. Should you interrupt or put your feet up and not be able to make use of your experiences in the correct manner, the success that should rightfully be yours will always elude you. It is essential that you find ways and means to revolutionize all negative aspects into positive matters so that you can change, succeed and prosper.
·  Have no ambiguity about your objectives: Being clear about your aims is an important prerequisite to do well in life. You ought to have no doubt about what is relevant to you and what you seek. In continuation, you should also be clear about what you will be ready to sacrifice for the purpose. Your objectives have to be clearly defined. You simply cannot say, “I want be something different’ or “I want to do something that carries weight.” You will have to introspect and determine what that ‘something’ means to you – both in individual and precise contexts. Today, when people do not succeed in their lives and careers, they make no efforts to find out what they are actually worth and cut out for. If you are clear about these issues and have confidence in the relevance of your visualisations, windows of opportunities for immense growth will automatically open up for you.
·  Pledge complete devotion: No success will come to you if you waver in your devotion and sincerity. You have to be venturesome so that you display dynamism when otherwise the general atmosphere is static. This does not mean that you should adopt a reckless approach; mid-term corrections will have to be applied without fail. The implication is that you should anticipate problems and obstacles; and know in advance who to contact for assistance and guidance. It goes without saying that your devotion should be of a high order towards all activities that you indulge in. A flexible approach is what is recommended so that you are able to fill up voids pertaining to your shortcomings. Remember that people who are aware of their shortcomings but work conscientiously to overcome them enjoy greater chances to succeed in their endeavours.
·  Communicate assertively: Successful people are invariably great narrators. They can hold audiences spell-bound. When they talk, their speech serves to enthuse others to take a leaf out of their books. Successful people are generally clear about what they are engaged in; interestingly, people who get drawn towards them also harbour similar standpoints. When successful people speak, they know what every word uttered means and are able to ensure that no one gets antagonised. Communicating effectively also means giving a patient hearing and calls for good negotiating skills. It is through the power of your word, spoken or otherwise, you build good rapport, gain widespread support and beget cent per cent loyalty.
·  Impose your boundaries: When you have no doubts about what you seek, you will have to be robust enough to safeguard your boundaries; stick to your main concerns and urgencies; and make your intent and whatever is essential for your success known to all. There are thousands of people who are otherwise smart and intelligent but are unable to communicate their intents, their clarity of objectives notwithstanding. They just get carried away; in other words, they give up and concede. There are several contributing factors for such surrenders, yet men and women out to do well in their careers should be able to overpower their apprehensions, insecurities and other allied feelings. They should display strength and stand up for what is right and they deserve; should things not work out in their favour, there is no harm in demanding what is due to you.
·  Cultivate & foster good associations: During your career journey, you cannot afford to be aloof and isolated. You will never be in a position to attain you objectives and realise your visions all by yourself; you will require outside support. To be able to elicit support, you will have to spare time for others so that you are able to generate a mutually advantageous state of affairs whose common values are conviction, trustworthiness and uprightness. It should not be forgotten that in your way up in a competitive world, you have to be cautious enough to not display one-upmanship in any form. This also calls for a strict discard of sycophancy. The important point is that dishonesty in any form will not boost your development and success; you will have to play the game by adhering to the laid down rules.

It will be difficult for you to taste success sans actions highlighted above. It is not that you will not move ahead at all, but the journey would be full of problems, resulting in a feeling of avoidable disenchantment. Therefore, you need to engage in them with all sincerity at your command.

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