Friday 9 October 2015

Gear yourself to achieve your career objectives

“It is all too easy to speed through life with our eyes focused only on the road ahead. The challenge is scanning the horizon from time to time to determine where we are headed.”
~ Christopher Gergen

One major objective that you must invariably have in life is to be able to boost the possibility of becoming an outstanding human being – somebody who accomplishes impressively and brings about a monumental difference in his or her life. Difficult it may sound, but it is not so. It is very much possible and can be masterminded by none other than you. 
In order to harness and accomplish your maximum capacities, it is necessary that you do not lose sight of your career objectives and do not let your efforts weaken. All issues and influences that are visualised for success should be clear in your minds and remain the focus of your attention. You also should make it a point that you do not fall prey to the adverse ramifications of chance, haphazardness, unpredictability and vagueness. This will be rendered possible only if you put in order your schedule and systemise your routine; by doing so, the chances of attaining your career objectives will be pitched at one hundred per cent. 
Each and everything that you seek to attain and the means for the same have a connection; and which you should comprehend fully. The most important aspect of the connection is formulation of objectives alright but the need to work hard also cannot be underestimated. This calls for being at the wheels of both your life and career; and leave nothing to fate for engineering bright times ahead.    
What brings about success – luck or hard luck? It has been generally observed that when people become successful a little earlier than others, the success is attributed to good fortune rather than to the hard work put in. And similarly, if they finish botching up their career or lives, the reason attributed is bad luck. Why people do so is more on account of ignorance. People do not appreciate the thin dividing line between chance and luck. In the case of chance, there is nothing that there is in your control. Additionally, the result that follows has no link whatsoever with success factors talked about.
The word ‘luck’, on the contrary is poles apart from what is chance. Chance, in actuality is the Law of Likelihoods being enacted. An individual who is deemed fortunate may have done several things that singly or jointly dramatically increased the likelihood of career goals being accomplished. If we were to evaluate the history of any great realisation and review several activities that preceded it, you will find that the success factors are part of them. A definite pattern would be visible. The so called patter would indicate that the individual displayed for over a year, continued hard work to be successful.
How do you go about accomplishing your objectives? There is one thing that can be asserted; there is a direct relationship between various things that you try your hands on and the probability of eventual success in achieving your career objectives. The more efforts that you put in lead to better performance and output. The results and consequences that follow (better earnings, better quality of life and a higher degree of contentment) simply cannot be attributed to good luck. On the contrary, the only thing that contributes to success is hard work and nothing else at all. And if you didn’t work hard and resultantly got no success, is your luck to be blamed?
A good education together with the career option that you exercise solicitously matching your innate qualities and skills is single-handedly the best factor. Next of course is the hard work you put in and the efforts that you make to augment your skills and qualifications. Luck, as is seen is not a factor at all – not even in the remotest possible way. While you cannot prognosticate what precisely will lead you to success, you can always tell doing what for a specific duration of time is likely to produce some positive result or the other. 

If you display ingenuity, drive and determination; and concurrently make efforts to achieve your intended goals or resolve workplace issues in ways more than one, you evidently stand more chances of success vis-à-vis others who display limited enthusiasm. Remember that anybody who has achieved excellence in any form knows that it is a result of ceaseless concentration. Therefore, do not be a product of your circumstances and instead be one of your decisions.

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