Friday 9 October 2015

Reach your career zenith still young

If you look into various organisations and companies, you will find people who are still young but fairly senior. There will be many who would have held key appointments already and are perhaps at top slots today. The impression that one gets at first sight is that they have been able to build an unreservedly successful career for themselves. What was it that they did to achieve whatever they achieved when they are barely into their thirties?
Young successful people, both men and women will tell you that the secret to a passionately successful career lies in your exclusivity, in that you should not ever try to imitate others. They will also tell you that there is no specific recipe or plan either and any effort to copy someone else will herald your defeat before you even take the first step out. If anybody thinks that success can be reinvented, it is a mistaken belief. Success can be created but not recreated.
There are generally five major strategies that can be utilized by any person to craft a successful career before they even hit middle-age and are equally applicable to people of all age groups.  They are:
· Origination & Invention: There is no point in waiting for things to change and trying to then locate you. In fact, you should modernise and update yourself on a continual basis so that you can make certain that you are always at an advantageous position. You should try to stay ahead of your job rather than with it. And that implies taking fresh initiatives and putting forth newer ideas to do work effortlessly and efficiently. Origination and invention do not call for any prior experience at all. You ought to have an out-of-the box approach as also an ever-willing approach to make useful contributions.
· Cooperation & group effort: If you periodically ponder on how you can assist in the success of others, you will surely taste success yourself. Today, the workplace is all about teamwork, camaraderie and collaboration. As an individual, you are out; it is the team-player who is in. Conjecture this. Your team completes a project ahead of the deadline given and does it exceptionally well. The management is all praise for the team. Now, haven’t you done well also and also been complimented? The issue of somebody getting acclaim for a job is immaterial because it is your team that has collectively fared well and achieved objectives set for it. You should therefore, try to show direction to others and make certain that they remain gratified. If you play your cards well as a genuine member of a team, success will never elude you.
· Initiative and Endeavour: Today, technological advancements make it possible for you to be conversant with any aspect of any matter. The internet has definitely been a boon. There is now no requirement to draw a blank if you are queried about anything. There exist opportunities and opportunities today that did not exist a decade back. You just have to take initiative and click the internet to at least know the fundamentals of any subject.   
· Think big and beyond: Whenever a task is assigned by a boss to any employee, the actions that follow are generally sacrosanct. One has a tendency to plunge into the task straight away, occasionally without even considering anything. Such an approach is not correct. You should ponder of the situation and resources available for brief while and then plan to excel at it. Any immediate action by you will speak of your keenness and steadfastness alright, however, you should think beyond and ruminate if the task can be executed in a different way. You should proceed in a cogent and coherent manner; and when you finish, the results should be more than what were expected. The point to be noted and followed is that you should function smartly and not necessarily slog. In this way, you will outwit all your challengers and opponents; and make good career advancement.
· Hunt & hound skills but not any job titles: There is nobody who goes to work and does not seek recognition and promotion. Everybody wants to achieve job designations that go with the promotions. This may not be the correct disposition always. People in their over-enthusiasm to do anything tend to forget about their very potential or capability. It should be remembered that designations and the like do not matter at all; what is of significance is the fact that whatever you attain is contingent on your capabilities and qualifications – things that you acquire on a continual basis and make use of them to find practical solutions to issues on ground. You should regard your career as comprising different parts and each part symbolising an array of skills; and then proceed to undertake the task allotted. You should work hard to and make certain that the expertise that will place you on a higher pedestal is acquired by you. All this requires great courage and also a willingness to do things differently.

You should understand that you simply cannot duplicate success, though you can always plan to originate it. You stand the best chance of success at work if you can discern responses and reactions from people; they will serve to indicate to you whether you are on the correct path or not. You cannot afford to have your determination waning. But the bottom line however, is enjoy whatever you do.

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