Saturday 2 January 2016

Create an upbeat identity at work

No two individuals are alike. Every person has an exclusive persona that illustrates the entirety of being a separate and distinct entity. People generally regard the personae of different individuals as either respectable and worthy or corrupt and unscrupulous. The label of the latter category is often a result of your poor social disposition – when you appear to them as bad-tempered, cantankerous and snappish. And if you happen to enjoy a reputation of being a wet blanket or a stick-in-the-mud and your appearance does not appeal to others, their detestation increases further. On the contrary, if you are known for your jaunty personality and pleasant outlook; and move around well-dressed, you will always be found to be acceptable to the masses.
The fact is that your reputation is built solely on the impression and impact that you create for yourself. To that extent, the manner in which you portray yourself and the manner in which they read you, is very important. If you receive regular criticism about your personality, then perhaps it is high time that you introspect and subject yourself to a self-evaluation. 
It is quite likely that people are aware of your shortcomings and can spot them in you. Even some traits may not appeal to them. It is quite possible that you have antagonised them in the past by your intemperate behaviour and offensive language. Now, if that happens to be the truth, you need to take things rather seriously and initiate necessary steps to give yourself an upbeat makeup.
If your personality has a classical swing, you cannot rule out the possibility of new opportunities knocking at your door that have the potential of bringing about enhancements in your maturity level and improvements in your life. The question therefore, is how do you transform your personality into an upbeat one?
The change that you should aim to bring about should be such that everybody else should seek you and for that you have to reach out to them. People should want to collaborate with you; and if that is not happening at the moment, then it manifests that they do not carry a favourable impression about you. But you can always reverse that impression. Here is how you can do that:
· Centre your attention on upbeat aspects: It is all about how you view things – optimistically or pessimistically. You may approach tasks differently and that approach is contingent on what your feelings are towards those tasks. If you habitually grumble about your schedule, howsoever busy it may be or talk ill of your colleagues, you will be labelled as a negative personality. And people will move away from you. You should focus on efforts to transform yourself into a positive figure; and the earlier you develop a positive attitude, the earlier you will become a magnetic personality – a person to whom people will be drawn close to. Remember that an upbeat stance facilitates attaining objectives that you set but otherwise keep dreaming of. A positive attitude will put you in the correct frame of mind to realise your aspirations.
· Encourage & back co-workers: The workplace of today is all about team-spirit and teamwork. It is our colleagues and others – both at and outside work – who generally help influence and model our careers. And when such well-wishers speak a word of praise or encouragement, don’t you feel elated? The fact is that there is none in this world who does not look for recognition or acclaim. Now, if that is what you look for, isn’t your colleague also seeking it? You need to be large-hearted in supporting others. Doing that will make evident and establish your sensibleness, reliability, proficiency and efficiency. You will thus be able to generate amiableness at your workplace and get recognised as an upbeat entity.
· Make useful contributions: You will be required to participate in conferences and seminars or make presentations. Such forums are important venues wherein you can communicate thoughts, push concepts and present perceptions. However insistence in any form can be detrimental as also any form of rejection of ideas tendered by others. If you seek to make useful contributions, you should not take recourse to outright rejection of ideas put forth by others, unless you put forward some yourself. That is what useful contributions are all about. Ideas are only ideas and if as afterthought you feel that they may not work, you should scratch your brain to come up with methods to make them work or suggest a viable alternative.
· Make efforts to foster relationships & contacts: You may have a very busy schedule and perennially running short of time. Yet, you will have to find time so that you can meet people. These people could be employees of the company that you work in and others. Today, in a technology driven world, emails and video conferences are extensively used; and quite a few people think that they need not meet people in person. A personal meeting is distinctively better than any other method of establishing contact, just like a hand-written letter has a better effect than a typed one. Meeting anybody in person makes you feel at ease and develop mutual trust. And once that happens, the exchanges that take place are more honest, frank and authentic.             

Remember that everybody wants to have upbeat people around them. And hence, such people will always be in demand. Upbeat personalities will always stand a good chance in progressing in their life and careers. Therefore, when you transform yourself into one, your next move is assured to be successful. 

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