Saturday 2 January 2016

Noxious thoughts that veto career success

Do you aspire to do well in your career? Well, everybody does. You ought to be setting big objectives to be able to reach positions and places that you dream of. However, the question is that irrespective of the number of objectives that you set for yourself, none of them will be attainable if there are any negative thoughts crossing your mind. In fact, negativity in any form will prevent you from working to accomplish them.
There could be several noxious thoughts that tend to veto your career success. But the common ones are:
· I am not flawless: Aiming to be a perfectionist is more or less an unachievable objective. That is perhaps the reason why hair-splitters and people who likes to do things properly are generally suffer outlooks of having been unsuccessful. When you keep pondering over issues that you have not been successful in, you invariably end up frown on even your accomplishments. You should understand that every failure is a learning experience and hence accept it as if it is unavoidable.
· I do not hold the reins of my future: Quite a few people tend to attribute their failures to things over which they have no sway. This is otherwise a natural phenomenon, however, since life is not always a smooth ride, it cannot be inferred that you will not taste success. Everybody is dynamic and robust enough to put in his or her best. And when you do so, you define your eventual success story or failure. 
· I can’t set rules for myself: As a matter of rule, there is never anything in life that you invariably or by no means indulge in. You may, of course, do something more or do something less; however, if you frame your conduct based on any such disposition invariably amounts to despair and defeatism. You subconsciously get a message that you are incapable of exercising any control over your conduct. You should understand the vital fact that it is none other than you who imposes rules on yourself and hence any rigidity with regard to your conduct will never help in the realisation of your aims.
· I need a stamp of endorsement from others: The opinions of others vis-à-vis you should never be totally discounted. But notwithstanding the foregoing, the truth is that you are actually not as good or as bad as they feel. Quite a few of our objectives are intended to gain the support of people who matter; and this by itself gears you to cope with any disappointment or botch. You should not forget that it is what you think about yourself is what counts and hence, if you can usher in satisfaction and contentment, you will surely taste success.    
· I think that my yesterday mirrors my tomorrow: A failure after another surely eats into self-confidence but you will keep going if you maintain your trust in yourself. It so happens that when you venture out to play with uncertainties and do not meet success, you will invariably shudder from taking risks. But then you need to understand that if you seek to attain anything meaningful, you will have to take risks. Therefore, you need not overstress yourself with likely downbeat consequences. On the contrary, you should ponder over the risks of not taking any risk to accomplish what you have set out for.   
· My feelings are my actuality: It is essential that you know how to view your emotional state dispassionately so that you are able to separate the truth from plain visualisations. In most cases, feelings do influence cogent thoughts and that is precisely the reason why it is always recommended to not pay much attention to ones sentiments. If at all you feel annoyed or apprehensive, you should cool yourself for a while and view circumstances all over again to make sound decisions. In the long run, it is your convictions that constitute your actualities and hence it is essential to nourish yourself with accounts that inspire you to keep moving towards success. And if you identify your downbeat feelings, discarding them will become easier than before.

The difference between a person who is successful and who is not is that the former has the courage to bet on his ideas and take risks sensibly. Successful people do not get ahead by wishing they had someone else’s job title, a corner office, a company car or a market share. They get ahead the mundane way, by doing more and doing it better. In other words, they pursue their own goals, not someone else’s goals. If you seek to be successful, your commitment has to be of a high degree. Therefore, you need to organize your life around the things you are passionate about and doing things what you love. So, what are you waiting for? The way to get ahead is to start now.

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