Friday 11 March 2016

Managing conflict at the workplace

There are no two people who harbour similar thoughts and viewpoints. Therefore, when people work in groups, differences in opinion will not be uncommon. However, such disagreements are a root of workplace conflict. And when conflicts intensify, their resolution becomes the responsibility of the head of that particular establishment.  
As a boss, it is essential to know when and how to intervene or mediate; and at the same time ensure that affected individuals deal with their alterations in a practical and fruitful manner. Now, if staff rows are unavoidable, how do you deal with them? Some practical tips are:
· Identify the issue: It should be ensured that everyone involved in the spat is well aware of the contentious subject, the very cause of the row. The process should carry on till the warring individuals agree that they are in disagreement and are clear about the reasons for the same.
· Agree to clarifications: All individuals should be afforded equal opportunities to put across their viewpoints pertaining to the problem. If necessary, the discussions can be moderated by allowing an individual a specific time to speak, say five minutes. It should be ensured that the time limit so stipulated is adhered to by everybody. The important point is that they should feel secure and not suffer from being given a prejudiced treatment.
· Envisage the consequence: The final result from everybody's perspective should be discerned. It may astonish all when they come to know that their ideas are not too dissimilar from one another. It should also be concurrently fathomed how every individual's objective is attained to the maximum level possible and sensibly too. It is worthwhile to consider the realistic aspect of the mediation process, that is, whether the effort is commensurate with the result. And should the process be unsuccessful, what is the nastiest development that can take place?
· Detect resolution scenarios: This is possible only if people have the same opinion on some aspect of the subject of disagreement. And if there is absolutely no convergence whatsoever, then efforts should be directed to identify some enduring objectives that hold out some significance and purpose for each and every one. Once identified, they should serve as a start-point.
A judicious approach and some prudence can definitely help in warding off workplace conflicts and the tensions that they give birth to. Some precautionary steps, if instituted in the right earnest can reduce the frequency of workplace conflicts and play down the unpleasantness known to be generated by the tensions associated with them. Such measures are:
· No issue should be allowed to go unaddressed. As a matter of fact, all contentious matters should be discussed in open forums, lest they assume a monumentally grave proportion.
· Be on the lookout for conflict indicators; once noticed, all possible measures should be taken to get to the bottom of it. The problem should be nipped in the bud.
· It should be ensured that a mechanism to solve conflicts exists. The issue can be broached up at a conference or any meeting and a conclusion arrived at on the line of action that people should adopt in the eventuality of disagreements.
· Organizational objectives and aspirations should be comprehended by every employee. Likewise, how what an individual ought to contribute should also be known. In this context, one should be absolutely unambiguous with regard to job depictions and the charter of responsibilities associated and the accountability that goes with them. In addition, the spheres of activity should be also demarcated well.
· Every worker, irrespective of his appointment or position should be provided with adequate opportunities for skill upgrading. As part of training activities, conflict resolution should be incorporated. More significantly, their usage by maximum number of people should be anticipated.
· A good job done by anybody calls for a pat on the back. All employees attaining anything noteworthy should be appreciated and their efforts acclaimed. It should be remembered that if employees are given recognition, there are minimal chances of their canvassing for spotlight and getting into altercations.
· Rumour-mongering and idle chats should never be promoted. No credence whatsoever should be given to gossip. Also, undercover works assignments should never be resorted to. On the contrary, unswerving performance review systems applicable to everyone across the board should be enforced.
Casual advice rendered by seniors to subordinates is a very valued instrument to handle workplace conflict. It can be done so during routine interactions, meetings and even when the conciliation process is on. In addition, any likelihood of follow-up administrative procedures and allied expenditure also stands eliminated. It is a proven fact that supervisors who deal with workplace spat with success are also the ones who do not face much condemnation in their careers.

Though old-style cordiality at workplace is fast waning, the fact is that it is the only medium that can bring about harmony and reduce strains at any place of work. On the contrary, an outlook that does not harbour graciousness and good comportments has a very exorbitant cost tag attached to it. On the other hand, any workplace that is stress-free invariably promotes a superior life worth - something that in turn promotes work efficiency and which, every company seeks. 

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