Wednesday 13 April 2016

Approve the career that you are in

Men and women, whether young and old, look for approval from others. More often than not, they always seek to experience only joyful feelings related to their preferences, choices and selection. And issues related to their career are no exception. In addition, they also seek recognition in some form or the other for all their efforts and endeavours; such recognition assures them that they are on a correct course. And most importantly, they also seek to make certain that their perspectives are understood and valued by all. The fact that they are appreciated and acknowledged instils in them a sense of some superiority that serves to impel them to perform well.
Approvals and endorsements tend to become thorny issues if you want them in quantities more than normal. And if you happen to not be in a rising mode, they have an impeding effect. Most people view approval and endorsement as a manifestation of being taken care of and being recognised. Therefore, you tend to feel relaxed and protected from within. Genuine endorsement originates from within you; the views that you subscribe to as pertinent to your sphere of activity and your goals serve as impelling factors. External endorsement no doubt affords acclaim, but internal endorsement offers you peace of mind and a feeling of calm, besides adding a new meaning to your life and a direction to keep moving on.
The question thus is how can you get to endorse your career? First and foremost, you need to identify aspects that help you derive job satisfaction. All such aspects should be made a note of. And then you need to carry out a self-evaluation and determine the following:
· Different responsibilities and assignments that you are keen to undertake.
· Type of working environment that you seek and colleagues that you like to function with.
· Place that you would like to be posted at.
· Salary package and perquisites that you think should be offered to you.
The intended aim of the above exercise is to get your thought processes out of your mind into the open for better consideration by you. You will thus be able to derive the best from them. But you should desist from doing any loud thinking when you are reducing your thoughts to writing. You should understand that everything that peps you up is locked up within you and that you need to set them free.  
You should also understand that you yourself should be accorded the top priority. If you pay heed to yourself, you will always be moving on the road that will offer you great career satisfaction. Whenever you recall such situations, you will realise that things turned out in your favour. And when you recall occasions when you did not, you will recall how much disillusionment has struck you.
When people advise you or give you suggestions, they do so based on their own perceptions. It is possible that their advices and suggestions are prompted by their own experiences, something that you may not have been subjected to. The foregoing notwithstanding, there is no harm in giving due thought to them, but the final authority to do things rests with you and you alone. If you act in such a manner, your career journey will indeed be a very satisfying one and you will take all challenges en route in the right spirit. 
If you keep thinking persistently think that people will misread and misinterpret you, they indeed will do so. You will thus most likely land yourself in difficult situations, given the fact that there will be no endorsement forthcoming from them for your actions launched to attain your objectives. You cannot and should not totally discount the viewpoints of others because if not in entirety, some part of what they tell you can stand you in good stead. But that does not mean that you will hold yourself back from taking initiative till such time others do not rally behind you. In case you fail to be dynamic and proactive, you will keep waiting for things to move.
A point to be noted is that your perceptions and visions are yours; and they can never be subscribed to by others in totality. Considering this, it will always be difficult in comprehending others. The need to be self-confident, self-assured and self-dependent needs no emphasis. You need to trust yourself because you only know yourself the best. Hence getting yourself to approve your actions calls for immense mettle and grit; and which help you to ward off all criticism. If you approve yourself and your career, you will never look down on yourself and nor will there a situation when others will do so. Your resolve and motivation will always be pitched at a high level.   

Remember that to the issue of your life, you are the only response and to the problems of that you face, you are the only way out. But you have to get out of your comfort zone and identify a new place in the boondocks of your sixth sense. And when that happens, you will discover something extraordinarily outstanding. And that something will be none other than you. 

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