Wednesday 13 April 2016

Start afresh every year & maintain your resolve

Hitches and glitches in your career are a natural phenomenon. They do not signify the end of your career. You need to be optimistic and consider today something like a New Year’s Day when you make new resolutions and let bygones be bygones. This is more relevant to those who have not taken due interest in their careers so far.  When you start anything afresh, you make a new beginning so that you can derive the maximum from your career. The moment ought to be a Godsend to facilitate your move ahead with greater zeal.
If you lack adequate inspiration, you are unlikely to concentrate on new objectives that you intend setting. You may also not have many aspirations and attainments. In other words, you need to adopt new working methodologies or even a career change. The crux of the issue is that you need to assign fresh objectives and work hard and cheerfully for their attainment
How does one identify a fresh objective? You can do so by:
· Coax yourself to have a new goal: No objective is attainable without hard work. You ought to look for such traits in others who are forward-looking and forward-moving people. It is only then that such qualities would be imbibed. You surely would like to be branded as a person committed to one's work. If that be so, you need to introspect to discern the credibility of your goals and if you endorse them or not. And should any doubts be raised in the process, you must shift your focus elsewhere where you are mentally comfortable. You cannot assume your success in the absence of any of any objectives. And under such circumstances, any positive development that takes place will invariably be an outcome of your determination.’
· Adopt modest strategies: One needs to know for certain where one stands currently. Here there can be two situations, the first being not aware what should be the next step required to be taken to promote one's career. The other situation could well be a general cognizance of what is required to be done but no action has been initiated so far. Whatever be it, the situations are inconsequential, however the important point to note is that the time is now apt to start looking forward and jump into the fray. Little drops of water make the mighty ocean, so they say. One should set out modestly, but with no holds barred. Small steps eventually are equal to a big leap. The fact of the matter is that gradual progress boosts self-confidence and serves as an impelling factor to traverse distances ahead. It is the regularity of the pace that matters rather than attempting to take one giant leap. The moral of the story in Aesop's famous "The hare and the tortoise" fable holds immense relevance.
· Plot your own roadmap: Success does not come without proper planning. Proper planning eradicates unwarranted slog. If you have a roadmap, you are well-prepared to take actions on emerging situations and discard objectives that are unachievable. The nature of your plan – detailed or perfunctory – is indicative of your interest in your career advancement. A workable plan entails two steps; the first being splitting objectives into smaller parts; and the second being cataloguing them and earmarking a time schedule for their attainment. You also need to spur yourself periodically so that you move forward is not retarded in any way.  
· Swot your targets every day: Failures are stepping stones to success and anybody who realizes this invariably wants a retry. And a New Year's Day affords this golden opportunity. Objectives, howsoever pragmatic or lofty, that are put in a cold storage are of no significance.  The ground actuality is that anything that is out of sight is out of mind; and this is equally applicable to career objectives if they are lost sight off. A regular perusal and monitoring of one's goals makes them an integral part of oneself and this serves as a big facilitator. Before one moves out for his or her daily work, the target intended to be achieved should be glanced without fail. By doing so, one's direction would be maintained. At the end of the day, the exercise should be repeated so that one's goals remain glued. By looking repeatedly at one's goals and pondering over them, they seem more practical than ever and eventually become attainable.

Remember that a cat has nine lives but you have only one. Therefore, it is pointless to live a life that is not to your liking. But it is next to impossible to have a turn of events that is to your liking. The initiative to deal with unfavourable situations has to come from you and you alone. And this can be done best if you do not brood over what has happened in the past and instead make a new beginning every year.   

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