Saturday 28 May 2016

Engender opportunities for yourself

This is a proven fact - opportunities will keep coming to you if you recognize them, make sincere efforts to seize them and go all out to pursue them. And the more sincere and intense you are in your efforts, the brighter the future and better the prospects you are likely to enjoy. However, you need to do some very serious planning towards laying hands on opportunities time after time. If you remain resolute enough and do not abort your plan, you will stand to benefit immensely, particularly when you are out on a job hunt.
How do you generate opportunities for yourself? If you follow the following three steps, you can do so:
· Know your plus-points: Generation of opportunities is possible only if you know your inclinations and strongpoints. Having identified them, you should examine them dispassionately for all aspects and embark upon an inspired and ingenuous path that will cater to your interests the best. This approach is valid for businessmen and salaried people alike. It is likely that you have bright thoughts to do something well, efficiently and sans excessive costs.
· Accomplish complete proficiency: Your forte should extend beyond whatever you excel at or inspires you. Once enunciated, you should endeavour to be more familiar with such issues vis-à-vis others of the same social and professional groups as yours. Thereafter, you should attempt to enlarge your swaying area and become noticeable. Over a period of time you will become a friend, philosopher and guide to many people; you would be thus on a higher pedestal.
· Volunteer to shoulder additional work: If you render advice or help others without expecting anything in return, popularity will kiss your feet; progress will be automatic. The pace of progress will be accelerated if whatever you offer pertains to matters that you are deft at. In addition, your very skills will be bettered in a consequential way. The results of such an effort will be varied and many; you must catalogue the ones that are okay with you depending upon what you seek, like objectives, renown and employment, etc. Remember that if you obligate yourself to anything, opportunities will come knocking at your doorstep.
The important point is pursuing an opportunity. How can you do this? As a matter of principle and practice, you will never able to execute and accomplisheverything. What you need to do, however, is to devise and select your line of action. More importantly, your plan should be implemented. Remember that if a plan remains confined to paper, it is of no use.
You can generate opportunities for yourself only if you are in command of yourself and of yourcareer. Being in command implies knowing your own strengths and vulnerabilities; desires and aspirations; and passions and inclinations. Remember that opportunities have to be seized by the beard because they are always bald behind. You generate your opportunities by asking for them. To be able to doso, it is essential that should:
· Harbour a correct attitude towards your life and career.
· Be venturesome, display enterprise and explore new avenues.
· Be well-acquainted with what you possess and what you are striving for.
· Have a forward-looking approach and be able to envision what the future holds or will roll out for you.
· Make certain that you remain well-qualified in all respects to acquit yourself excellently at work.
· Be dynamic, self-motivated and willing to take on extra responsibilities.
· Display a high degree of resolve and persistence; and not fall prey to any temptation to drop out mid-way.
· Not be disillusioned when the going gets tough and have the guts & nerve to overcome hindrances and hitches.
· Possess adequate resilience to work well under conditions of stress and strain.
· Have an open mind and a flexible approach; the forgoing calls for being amenable to suggestions and change.
Opportunities will cometo you in different forms and from different directions. If you are vibrant enough, you will be able to shape them to your advantage. One simple truth that should never be disregarded is that the road to success cannot be traversed in a day or two and that success cannot be achieved at the push of a button. What matters and makes it possible is your perseverance. You cannot keeping wishing; you need to take your foot out to move forward. Remember that all opportunities are fleeting things and once you are able to seize any, they get burgeon. 

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