Saturday 28 May 2016

Workplace diversity

    Workplace diversity denotes the assortment of people at any place of work the variety that exists between them. It may seemsimple, but the medley includes gender, background, nationality, maturity, experience, designations, credentials, education, and countless other aspects.
Diversity by itself has two weightyconsequences. The first is their perception of themselves and the second is how they perceive others. Such perception has a direct effect on their conduct and relationships. If their organisation desires that they exist as a unified body, issues related to interactions, change and adaptability will have to be taken up. In recent times, workplace diversity has indeed increased and hence organisations are adjusting themselves to it by making appropriate budgetary allocations and earmarking time for effective diversity management.
DIVERSITY PAYS:There is no denying the fact that the profitability and ability to contend of any setup is contingent on its capability to welcome diversity, be at ease with it and bring to fruition its benefits. When organizations review their diversity management initiatives, several advantages accruing to them are identified, major ones being:
· Overabundanceof outlooks: All organizations that have on its rolls employees who are at ease conveying and sharing different standpoints customarily have a bank of plans and schemes. Organizations thus can always look for responses to their requirements of business and clients, without having to look for them elsewhere.
· Widescope of service: An assortment of knowledge and expertise, to include ethnic comprehension and verbal skillsplacesanyorganizationatanimmense advantage. Such diversity facilitates capacity to offer to its clients a service extendable to any corner of the world.
· Greaterflexibility: Establishments that have employees from varied segments are known to deliver superior resolution of customer care, resource allotment and responsibility allocation glitches. Highly workable solutions in consonance with ever changing business trends and client aspirations come to the fore when employees from diverse backgrounds take initiative.
· Effectiveapplications: Organizations that support and give confidence to workplace medley stimulate their staffto put in their best. And once such a ball is set into motion, they are geared well toimplementtheirpoliciesandreapthebenefits of superioroutput, larger turnover, better yields on investments and increased earnings.
CHALLENGES: Workplace diversity is not an easy deal; there are tests and trials too. Unless challenges posed are overcome, organizationscannotreaptheadvantageshighlighted above. Some of these challenges are:
· Hostilityto change: While some employees are flexible in their approach, quite a few are not. Those who are not, always and invariably tread on a different path. Generally, they are unable to accept change and in addition, question it. Such an attitude tends to gag and pioneering ideas and put growth in suspended animation.
· Effectingvariety in policy: Thiscouldwellprove tobethedominant issue. All those who support diversity will suffer immense puzzlement too but ought to consolidate available information and data for formulating plans to make the best use of workplace diversity.
· Promoting interactions and exchanges: Impediments posed by language issues, culturalconsiderationsand perceptionvariances have to be removed for any multiplicity scheme to take roots. If primary objectives are not communicatedclearly, there will be serious disagreements. Also, inspiration intensities would nose-dive and team-spirit take a beating.
· Accustoming to workplace diversity: Mere acquaintanceof diversity issueswillnotbe adequate in any executionpolicy. A well-thought off action plan should be articulated and put into motion to bring about acultureof medley that dripsdownto each and every employee of the organization.
MAKING OPTIMUM USE OF WORKPLACE DIVERSITY:Different organizations adopt different measures to make the best use of workplace diversity. Some notable actions initiated by many setups that have been successful are:
· Assessment of workplace diversity:All good organisations regard diversity tracks as an inescapable part of their management policies. Depending on the nature of diversity that exists, endeavours are made to find out satisfaction level amongst employees. These findings by themselves facilitate identification of questionableand problematic issues. Accordingly, remedial actions required to be initiated are also planned. When such endeavours are made on a continuous basis, advantages, if any that accrue from workplace diversity are also quantifiable.
· Institution of resolute leadership: Diversity enterprises need to be merged into every possible policy and initiative of an establishment. It is a known truth that all attitudes harboured by different people have their in the higher rungs. They percolate down. To be able to deal with any such trickling own of wrong signals, an effective and resolute leadership is essential at every level. In addition, cordial intra-department relationships are also a necessity to derive maximum benefits from workplace diversity.
RESOLUTION OF CONTENTIOUS ISSUES: In organisational interests, the top leadership ought to practise diversity too. This would facilitate an open environment, the outcome of which will be a quicker attainment of set objectives an optimum realization of gains. But efforts invariably have to remain focussed on the following:
· Promotion of transparency: Identical importance and appreciation to every individual should be assigned. Simultaneously, people should be persuaded to speak their hearts and minds out.
· Capitalisation of diversity training: Alltrainingeffortsshouldbeviewedastools togive shapeandprofiletothediversity policy instituted by the organisational leadership.
· Changing hostility-towards-change attitude: This change should be brought about by members of the staff, irrespective of age, seniority and appointment.
· Review of efforts: An exclusive employee satisfaction evaluation system should be initiated and its findings made use of to put into practice effective procedures to curtail ill-effects of diversity.
The world today recognizes no barriers. It is indeed a global village with markets and financial systems towing the same line. Considering the foregoing, the need of the hour is to address workplace diversity issues professionally and competently. 

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