Friday 22 July 2016

Give your career a shot in the arm

Any individual in any profession will at some stage of his career is bound to suffer what is called replication stress. The term replication stress implies fatigue and tiredness that sets in when you do something day in and day out. Every work then tends to become dull and every person, irrespective of his position or appointment has a propensity to become a victim of such monotony.
Replication stress is quite common in professionals who have huge aspirations and those who are endeavouring hard to outshine others in their careers. Such stress can be overcome with some simple techniques, though there is no single formula for it. Do you experience similar dreariness at your work? Some strategies recommended to revamp and re-condition you are:
·   Take a break: If you have leave in your account, do not hesitate in taking a few days off to invigorate yourself; during such breaks, undergo some experiential training or pursue a leisure activity. If company rules permit, consider taking a long break to chase a new dream or acquire an additional qualification. Routine duties could well be swapped for more stimulating assignments. There is no harm in having a word with your manager or senior functionaries to supplement your charter or if justifiable, reducing the same.
·   Know your likes and priorities: You must catalogue your workplace likes and dislikes; and dig deep into them so that you can concentrate your efforts on the former and eventually do away with your dislikes.  In the process, you should identify issues that you want to carry on with, indulge more or less in and intend to get going with or put an end to. You also must get to know the philosophies that regulate your life as a whole. If your initiatives are in consonance with them, you will feel an internal tranquil in you.
·   Change your schedule: See if it is possible to modify your daily routine; you can put in a request to come and leave early or late, depending upon your preference. You could also swap a working day with a closed holiday. In order to avoid rush, you could elect to have lunch early or late; or decide to forego it and indulge in some exercise instead.
·   Resort to self-enhancement: You could subscribe to a course of instruction that would help you relax and simultaneously be useful to you and your company. Participation in various learning and development programmes being organized by your company is another sure shot method to get rid of your tedium. You should take to reading and writing articles for newspapers and magazines. Floating or following a blog is another helpful activity. Volunteering to attend conferences and workshops; and client meetings as also establishment functionaries is highly recommended.
·   Share your familiarities: If you can spare time (which you should), endeavor to share your knowledge with others. Based on your expertise, you could give pep talks to others at your workplace or professional clubs of which you are a member. Since you have experience behind you, you could coach and counsel greenhorns and young employees too.
·   Seek assistance & adjust: If there is someone who you look up to, seeking his help in discharging your duties efficiently will relieve you of your ennui. If the organization that you work with is medium-sized or big, you could request for being sidestepped to another section. You could even request for being associated with a specific ongoing project.
·   Boost organizational efficiency: You must recollect previous reviews on your performance and discern fresh improvement arenas. You could even walk up to your boss and solicit an all-inclusive appraisal with inputs from immediate seniors, peers and subordinates; and use the outcome to find a footing for your career bearing.
·   Indulge in personal improvement: Look into your physical health and if required join a gymnasium. Improve your personal grooming and refurbishing your wardrobe will be a great facilitator. Indulging in some social service activity like environment improvement, geriatric care or adult education will also help you rejuvenate. In addition, take care that your network base is kept alive.
The above tips call for a very sincere and honest effort on your part. It will be worthwhile to keep some time up you’re your sleeves every day wherein you ought to be galvanizing your career. However, you should exercise due caution to make certain that you do not embark upon implementing all the above recommendations concurrently. If that happens, you will suffer vexation and fatigue of a more intense type. To begin with, you should select only three or four for implementation; later on you can always supplement your efforts with greater hard work.

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