Saturday 16 July 2016

Know your work attitude to succeed

You need to know your own philosophy towards your work and workplace. This is possible only if you understand and recognize yourself well. In case you work with deceit and duplicity, people will see through you easily. But if you are passionate about your work and have strong principles, you will undoubtedly generate a positive impact on everybody. Your emphasis should be to create a truthful impression about yourself.
It is rather difficult to enunciate your attitude, but the ones that strike an impression are:
·   Self-motivation: Your output is contingent on your motivation level; this entails working hard and displaying integrity. If you are stanch in your outlook and loyal in your approach, you will be able to maintain a high degree of self-motivation; the result will evidently be excellent work outputs.
·   Compassion & concern: You could well be a genuine well-wisher for others and ever-willing to come to their aid in their bad times. Whether you do so with a motive or not, is another question, however there is nothing wrong if you expect something in return because after all, you are working and working has aspirations attached to it.
·   Team-spirit & solidarity: This implies being keen to be part of a team and work with others. There are distinct advantages in being part of a team. A plethora of ideas come your way and you arrive at decisions collectively. Since you work in concord, you can chase your dreams with ease and help others to do so likewise.
·   Commitment & allegiance: This implies putting in your best - the best of your knowledge and expertise to deliver results. On its own, a dream cannot transform into an actuality; what is essential is hard work, resoluteness and a sense of purpose. Life invariably calls for struggle, but all of us tend to not do our utmost, but that is what catapults you forward.
·   Focus & attention: You will always be under pressure to meet deadlines. Your spotlight and focal point has to be your work and work alone. Most of us have no idea of the colossal capability and competence that comes to us when we focus all our faculties and resources on achieving supremacy in any single facet of our lives.
·   Creativity & resourcefulness: You have to be adept at managing things and accomplishing your and organizational goals. Ingenuity implies using available resources optimally, be they integral or outside. In other words, you have to be adroit enough to utilize them imaginatively and innovatively.
·   Distinctiveness & individuality: An organization is what its employees make it. The chairman or managing director has little role to play except for showing the path; it is the people down the chain who march on it and make the difference. Therefore, if you can add exceptionality and matchlessness to your work, your contributions will be acknowledged.
·   Leadership & personal example: Being a leader means helping those who are nor performing well to do things satisfactorily and impelling those who are doing well to excel. There will be many who would yearn to climb the ladder of success but there will be very few who would know whether this ladder is leaning against the correct wall. If you lead by example, perhaps you will.
·   Visualization & farsightedness: True vision means imaginativeness in scheduling things and vital judgmental disposition. Your inkling helps you to discover new-fangled wisdom. That is what creativity is. You need to apply inventive methods to move forward and if you do not, you remain where you are. You need to have a vision. Life is all about being forward-looking. People who peep into their future may switch careers at the drop of a hat, but then they are also quick to learn new things. Such people invariably go where they dream to be at. Their eyes always remain wide-open for the consequences of their actions.
·   Work-life balance: 'Work while you work, play while you play; that is the way to be happy and gay' is a new mantra that has gained popularity. You should be able to strike a good balance between your workplace and domestic front; it is only then that you will be able to kiss success. Some physical exercise at the end of your day's or spending some moments with your family can be very stimulating.
·   Learning from experience: There is a vast difference between an error and a mistake. An error becomes a mistake if you repudiate any move to rectify it. You learn to learn from your mistakes with experience. Remember that if you do not learn from your mistakes, there will be many who would do and get ahead of you.
Remember that it is you who has to make your mind up on the type of attitude that is beneficial to you. Once you identify it, you have to adhere to it. Should you be asked to enunciate it, you ought to do so in a deliberate manner quoting examples of happenings and relating to the philosophies identified by you. The bottom line is candidness and honesty in your disposition; and if you go about your work with seriousness, sincerity and earnestness, there is no way that you will not be successful. 

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