Friday 2 September 2016

Overcoming midlife career dilemmas

When you move forward in your career,, you do not do so by taking one giant leap. You do so gradually and in stages. And the process of career progression is not common for two individuals for various reasons. Different factors that contribute to job or career success of people are subject to change as also their outlooks. When working people who are serious about their careers make decisions after due deliberations, the prime factor that brings them about are periodic interactions and altering relationships between ground realities and good judgment.  In the process, notions of self-importance gain ground. Such questioning of what life means and what the objectives that you set as pertinent to your career is what are midlife dilemmas.
During the period of their youth, people are guided by some beliefs and codes which subsequently become a part and parcel of their mental mechanisms and eventually their dreams. This imagination pushes them to display an industrious outlook towards their work and prepare them to attain their objectives. There are certain pursuits in which, if men and women are skilled at that stand them good chances of success after some years. Music and sports are two such fields.
The above template may not apply in totality to teenagers who leave their careers to be decided by their parents. Very few teenagers would be able to visualize the future prospects of their current pursuits. That is why every boy and girl wants to do well in studies and that is otherwise an outcome of prevailing social conditions.
Organizations that have unbending standards customarily become profitable businesses. They emit their power of influence and resultantly, young men and women are more prone to join them. Many people take up jobs immediately after graduation; and over a period of time, get transformed into energetic and strong-willed personalities. They suffer dilemmas too, notable being their yearning to acquire material assets for their progenies. Dilemmas, like this one make them work extra hard and prove their worth. In case they do so successfully, they move up the corporate ladder. Thus, everything assumes a cyclic methodology.
An excessively ambitious approach knocks down legitimate long-term goals because their working strictures tend to limit the level of earnestness among employees. They thus work with only financial gains in mind. You will find such ideas rampant among people who do not set any long-term career goals.
If you suffer from any of the predicaments highlighted as above, then you need to urgently review your life and career objectives. In case you are exerting more than usual, there has to be a reason behind it. The key issues that need to be understood are two - firstly, what you intend to attain by working so hard and secondly, for whom your efforts are being directed for. Once you are able to do this, your midlife search will have a new meaning. Should you decide to go in for a career change, your effort should be to have a successful transition. And what precisely is a successful transition? The changeover has to be such that you prosper in the times to follow, the key to which lies in blending each and every vivacity of your life, you occupation, leisure pursuits and domestic compulsions so that you do not suffer any financial hardship.
You cannot be impetuous towards your career, including career change in your midlife. Making a mid-life career change is a lot more demanding and challenging. It can also be extremely demanding simply because you would have reached a fairly respectful status by then and any wrong move can cause you financial losses. Therefore, you need to comprehend that every working day at your workplace that does not make you happy has the potential to push you back, financially more than anything else. You will encounter many people who will advise you to be venturesome and asserting that you will make money for certain. Such people need not be taken seriously. Since midlife is where you are already midway in your career, undue deliberation of work issues should not be indulged in. However, you cannot turn a blind eye to money matters.
You may be having several reasons for your job dissatisfaction. Some would be incidental and conditional, whereas some unintended and some not premeditated. But you must know that the prime causative factor lies within you. You should never lower down your satisfaction level because any impulsive action to resolve an issue can prove to be highly catastrophic.
All the above notwithstanding, you need to exercise caution and preclude any tendency to make a hasty decision. It is essential that you understand that your need is not classic career planning, but also fiscal planning. It is the latter that will help you in overcoming all dilemmas. 

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