Friday 2 September 2016

Professions that make a difference

Who doesn’t want to excel in one’s career and life? We exercise our career options based on our individual proclivities and aspirations. However, there are certain careers that demand a very selfless outlook and if anybody has to undertake them, one will have to shed any and all feelings of ego and superiority. They are truly noble in every sense of word and meaning; and can be pursued by way of magnanimity, selflessness and thoughtfulness.  Six such professions are and all of them enjoy the same degree of importance:
·   Nurses: They say that nurses are the greatest blessing of humanity and that their profession is the noblest of all. Being the pivot of all health care, they are angels in comfortable shoes. Nurses help people to remain in good health by making them recover from illnesses. They thus give a boost to the hopefulness and cheerfulness of people by just kindness and compassion. The nursing profession would be most sought after if doctors did not exist. All nurses are thus kindness personified. Anybody cannot enter the profession of nurses. The nursing profession is not made out for everyone because of the inescapable requirement to take on worldly sufferings fervently to preserve the well-being of humanity.
·   Educator & Trainers: Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual.  A teacher impacts perpetuity and has no boundaries to exert influence. The profession of teaching is indeed noble because it is on its account that new generations get moulded. Educators and teachers serve as an impelling power for students; and such a prowess calls for intense resolve and commitment. A teacher's career is indeed very challenging and testing. Since they are the custodians of impressionable minds, their efforts have long-standing outcomes. If new inventions and discoveries are made, the credit goes to the teachers for their hard work in training people. The contributions of parents in the lives of people are great alright, but that of teachers are no less. The fact is teachers and trainers imbibe the skill of living well. If education is the fountainhead of leadership, then going by the same logic, teachers are the fountainhead of leaders.
·   Motivators & counselors: Men and women who help others lead a better life through by inspiring or spurring them in any way to build up their skills are therapists. They come to the aid of people afflicted by sufferings and anguish so that they can manage their lives well. There could be several factors that diminish the very will to carry on amongst people; sorrow and despair, irrespective of what about them are the prime reasons. Helping such people cope with their angst is indeed an extraordinary task. The scope of work of a therapist is extremely wide and very satisfying. Many may not know, but there are adequate pecuniary benefits in a career as a therapist.
·   Research-fellows & scientists: We do not realize that when we are comfortably tucked in our beds, there are some who are conducting experiments in laboratories and research centres. New medicines, faster  modes of travel, safer homes, improved amenities and healthier foods etc that are regularly being brought about are all because of the tireless efforts of scientists. Notwithstanding that the scientific community is compensated well in terms of money, it is their drive and zeal to better the conditions of humanity as a whole that is significant.
·   Crusaders & campaigners: There are people who toil hard and endeavour to make our world an improved place so that we can live in peace. They do not have vested interests and neither do they crusade for personal benefits. All that they seek is an enhancement in the overall standards of life for mankind as a whole. Issues that campaigners fight for can be gender bias, education, environment, poverty and alcohol & tobacco consumption, etc. The important part of a career as a campaigner is that the results of movements have global relevance. For example, if somebody is taking up issues pertaining to environmental pollution in Australia, the impact of the campaign could well be across seven seas in India. A career as a campaigner actually calls for a lot of commitment and monumental forfeiture on the individual front.
·   Negotiators & mediators: They are those people who ensure that disputes between people or groups of people are resolved by bringing about a compromise. In other words, they negotiate to bring about agreements among incompatible and opposing parties. Occasionally, one side remains inflexible and refuses to adopt a policy of give and take; such adamancy is on account of professed self-esteem or perceived preeminence. An arbitrator thus functions as a neutral individual and gives a patient hearing to the grievances, allegations and protestations of both sides; and then suggests a give and take blueprint.
We all have aspirations and ambitions. An aimless pursuit serves nobody. What you actually want to do and achieve in life, its decision is made rather early in life; and is prompted by aspects like finances, status and power wielded. But there are few people who are goaded by a desire to serve others and they take on careers that make a difference to the world.

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