Tuesday 8 November 2016

Exercising a career choice is a test by itself

In recent times, careers have increasingly come about to be regarded as a blend of our individuality and work. It is therefore no wonder that career selection is quite a colossal exercise by itself and to put it in a straightforward way, a trial for anybody out to embark upon a career journey. This is largely on account of existing social conditions wherein we tend to accord great importance to our careers which are viewed as bread-winning endeavours. 
In the light of the above, if you do not do reasonably well in your career, you will suffer immense dissatisfaction, even if you are well-off otherwise. But if things are smooth sailing on your career front and other aspects of your life are not in very good form, you will still remain happy and inspired. Therefore, the hard fact that emerges is that your career is a very important building block of your life. A successful career is one of the paramount elements of that you can ever come across in the world and a bad one undeniably your life’s worse curse.
People find the process of career choice terrifying and tend to get crushed under its weight. The pressure starts mounting as they plan to get into college where electing subjects is a big bugbear; students apprehend that an incorrect selection will ruin their chances of getting their dream job. This apprehension is not totally baseless and hence you need to look ahead and plan in advance. Nobody expects you to be totally perfect and matchless. You will make mistakes.  But it is necessary that you regard efforts wherein you do not succeed as jumping boards to success. And should you not come up to desired standards, a disposition like that will boost your long-term prospects of success.
The writing on the wall is thus clear. If you go off-track in your career choice, the result can be disastrous and extremely detrimental to your well-being. An incorrect option will unquestionably be a cause of pain and agony in your life. It will have a very discouraging impact on even upbeat facets of your life. Your physical wellbeing, affiliations, rapport and domestic happiness can all take a beating. Nevertheless, you should be prepared to expect some adverse and critical developments on a regular basis; coping with them will always be is a big challenge.
Surveys conducted have thrown light on the fact that sixty per cent people fail to make a correct career choice. And this happens when they do so with due deliberation and care; and after reasonable preparation. It will not be presumptuous to state that if social training was to replace conscious options and people then embarked upon a career path, there will be very few instances of mistakes in career selection.
It is only after you make a mistake that you realize it to be an outcome of some shortfall in you. You may go about doing everything with earnest intent, but you cannot be certain that your career choice is correct. a right. This is largely because you cannot discern if the path on which you are going is correct or not. You will understand that you made errors only after significant time has elapsed. Under such circumstances, what do you do when you make a wrong career choice? Do you resign yourself to fate and accept things as a fait accompli? Or would you like to stand up and display your resolve to not err again? It goes without saying that the latter option will serve your long-term interests better.
It is also necessary that you do a damage control exercise if you err in career selection. It is no point brooding over spilled milk and grieving at something that you feel you cannot reverse. If the outcome is bad, it will remain so. If you acknowledge that things have gone wrong, you should take necessary steps to reduce your losses and stand up straight at the first opportunity. You need not play the game of make-believe at all but on the contrary, initiate appropriate steps that facilitate advancement in all spheres of activity indulged in by you.

Striking a right career choice is surely a very ticklish matter even if you do so with great care and planning. You have all the right to err because every mistake will teach you something new. You will thus be able to fine-tune your thought process and improve upon your capability to make cogent decisions. Just as a chef tries, retries and retries before a perfect recipe fructifies, you too may have to do likewise before you make the decision of your life. 

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