Tuesday 8 November 2016

Self-investment pays rich dividends

There are only two options available to you for leading your life. The first is suffer whatever it has to offer you and resign to it; and the second is to take everything, howsoever negative in a positive way and advance through it. The first method will lead you to stagnation and disgruntlement but the second one will make you prosper and put you on the path to success.  And to be successful, you will have to invest in yourself.  During the initial stages, self-investment may not be appealing at all, however, it is an inescapable requirement to be successful in your life and career alike. 
The reasons why you should invest in yourself are:
  • You remain in control of your future:  It is you alone who has to shape up your career. If you invest in yourself, you will enjoy lucidity of thoughts, supremacy of action and means of enforcement – all for your better tomorrow. However, you will have to be venturesome because a faint heart never won a fair lady.
  • Returns offered are utmost:  You get returns from financial investments alright and in some cases, they could be rather high. However,  true returns accrue to you only if you carry out self-investment because such an action brings about an upgraded and refined ‘you’ as an individual. You will find opportunities flying past you and hence you will one able to enhance your efforts towards your career advancement.
  • Your dreams can come true: The purpose and objectives of your career and life alike cannot be left to remain in the realms of your desires. A career that is botched up has immense likelihood of upsetting your objectives in life. Your investment in yourself is a true manifestation of your pledge to attain whatever you dream for and which will be brought about by it.
  • Profits are reaped only by you: Have you ever imagined being the head of a company called “Yours Truly’s Private Limited Company’? If you happen to be the head off it, it will be your prime responsibility to ensure that it functions smoothly and that it progresses.  You can do that by drawing meticulous plans, executing them judiciously and safeguarding all investments made by you. That sums up how self-investments need to be looked after to reap maximum profits.
  • Your reputation is enhanced: If you do not make use of your capabilities gainfully, distinction will always give you a slip and this can have very detrimental impact on your. You can always comprehend your strengths and capacity to become great by being aware of your skills and penchants; and more significantly by making intelligent investments based on your presently dormant but actually promising qualities.   
  • Your personal value increases:  It is essential that you create two portfolios. While the first should record all your pecuniary details to include assets and liabilities, the second should summarize all your skills and talents as also obsessions and USPs.  If you invest in the second portfolio, you will be able to augment your net value; and an increased net value will automatically raise your assets in the first portfolio.
You may possess great confidence in yourself and immense zeal to march ahead all by yourself. But despite such self-assuredness and passion, you will still need some help and guidance. Therefore, it is necessary that you identify people who also need to be invested in; they could well be anybody who you consider to be genuine and helpful to facilitate your advancement. There is nothing wrong in seeking external assistance because you cannot afford to live with your vulnerabilities in perpetuity. When somebody guides you, it so happens that you become aware of your weaknesses and goaded by others who are your well-wishers, you get set to improve yourself.
With the passage of time, you will will certainly feel emancipated and when you look back, a feeling of satisfaction and achievement will set in. That feeling of achievement will gear you up to work hard and face various challenges with conviction. Remember that in your life’s and career’s journey, you are all by yourself; and that your single-handed efforts matter a lot. Whether you win or lose, the impact is going to be felt only by you. In other words, if you invest in yourself, it is you who will derive maximum benefits.

Self-investment is the best investment that you can ever make. It improves your life alright, but also improves the lives of people about whom you are concerned. And such pay-offs carry on till you walk this earth.

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