Tuesday 15 November 2016

Going about a career change

There is nobody who is absolutely satisfied with his or her career and many such people would not mind going in for a career change. If they are unable to do so, it is largely because of a lack of knowledge about to go about it. There are many people who want to do something different for various reasons, but again, they are not aware of what activity they should take up. 
The difficult situation that prevails as related to not knowing what to do and also how to do is not uncommon; on the contrary, it is rather widespread. It is an outcome of a flexible outlook and attitude; and also because of an incapability to think out-of-the-box. The result is that one is unable to explore several avenues and grab opportunities coming their way. You need to create and generate a variety of ingenuous career initiatives so that you shed all inhibitions that you may be harbouring. Some issues of significance and which need to be understood are:
  • Know that appointment names are meaningless: Do designation names restrict the way you think and deliberate? If you were asked to write down all the jobs that cross your mind, perhaps you would be able to catalogue only some and miss out on many. If you cannot identify them, it goes to show that appointments and designations are of little consequence. Therefore, you should concentrate only on various prime ideas that hold out significance for you and your job.   
  • Identify actions to be precluded: This is not a very difficult activity, more so when you are in a job that is not offering you any contentment. Besides helping you to make consolidated efforts on assignments that are gratifying, becoming aware of actions that you should not be indulging in will facilitate in the identification of  annoying and vexatious tasks in situations other than those that you routinely encounter. You will thus be able to accept or reject a new job offer which could be similar to your present one.
  • Draw up a ‘like-to-do’ list: How do you envision your new career? Are there any yardsticks related to remunerations, position or status that you have set for yourself to attain? You must look within to find out if you are adhering to any tenets and following somebody else’s ideas. This will help you discern what you aspire for or what others would like you to be?
  • Where do you want your imagination to take you? If wishes were horses, where would you be galloping to? You are all set to take off. And your imagination should not have any ceiling. If you were to see a shooting star and make a wish for your career, what would it be? You must hitch your wagon to a star, aspire to do great things and not have any pessimistic goals.
  • Identify what you want to achieve: What is that you would like to get your hands on? We do not let ourselves obtain something that we want. For example, you may aspire to bring in lot of money, but since it may portray you as a materialistic person, you shelve the idea. Likewise, you may want a relaxed job, but are afraid of being branded as non-enterprising and hence do not look for it. It is also likely that you want to establish your own venture, but do not do so because you do not want to take risks. You need to discern what you need yourself to be permitted to get hold of.
  • How would you want your new life to be? If you were given a chance to re-author your life, how would you like it to be? You need to discover your life’s destination and not be reined in by any factor. If you were to be transformed into an absolutely new personality, how would you like to be? The work that this ‘new you’ would like to do should be found out. Obviously, all these things would inspire you and you should find out where such motivation will lead you.
The new career that you envisage for yourself should not necessarily be anything grand to a remarkable degree. Minor changes can always serve to alter your life and career significantly. In the light of the foregoing, it is necessary that to understand that achieving a successful career change is all contingent on how you get to discern what is in your interest. You should not forget that the people who taste success are invariably those who are watchful and are on the lookout for situations that they desire; and should that not be possible, they create them. 

Remember that your life is yours and if there is any one who is responsible for steering it, it is you and you alone. Any career change could prove to be quite an upsetting experience and hence any decision that you make in this context should be after due deliberations.

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