Saturday 21 January 2017

Develop traits to sail through conflict situations

Every workplace is plagued with divergence of opinions. It is on account of this fact that conflicts arise between employees. Most workplace conflicts take place because people take differences of opinions as personal attacks by people who are out to damage their standings, reputation or status. Even if attacks on individual self are not perceived, the person whose views are divergent is viewed as an annoying character. However, despite the foregoing, whenever there arises a conflict situation, most of us feel as if it is a dooms day and tend to keep people viewed as hostile out of all planning and decision-making processes. It goes without saying that the results of such actions are disastrous with no efforts being made to resolve problems.
How do we go about to deal with conflict at workplace?
Some people are naturally gifted to handle conflict situations. They possess the knack of dealing with conflict in a direct manner, but often generate unnecessary consternation and mental strain. And people who prefer to not be stressed by avoiding conflict situations are generally submissive and tend to take disagreements and dissensions without making issues out of issues. Such people do not get disturbed by minor sources of vexation or pinpricks as a result of divergence of views. While some may feel that it a good way to conduct oneself, the fact is that they are at a disadvantageous position by virtue of their feelings remaining confined within them. This could well lead to the situation going out of hand. 
It needs to be understood that existence of conflict situations is beneficial because you resolve issues. But in the process of resolving issues, we need to be cautious in expressing our views without upsetting others. The crux is to avoid being subjected to impediments in functioning by others; and concurrently being able to impact and inspire others. You need to be an upbeat knocker. When you work as part of a team, you will encounter people who fail to put across their views in a cogent manner and thus pass through difficult times. There will be quite a few people who will remain calm and at ease with the developments around you; this category of people can be said to be positive knockers. They have the requisite qualities and adopt the following basic strategies that leads to resolution of problems and offset the ill-effects of divergent viewpoints:
  • Don't allow team interests to suffer: Though you may disagree with your team members, you cannot afford to let your team’s interests suffer. Therefore, your focus should always be to resolve matters so that your team marches ahead. You have to act with due diligence and make your opinions acceptable to others. Though contingent on the prevalent situation, if you succeed in getting dissidents and grumblers to add on to your concepts and philosophies, a more integrated outlook will result. 
  • Acknowledge & appreciate others: People who have the courage to oppose and challenge invariably acknowledge the perspectives and standpoints of others. This they do by giving a patient and focussed hearing; and seeking clarifications whenever necessary. By doing so, their attentiveness and thoughtfulness is conveyed. Others do not feel muffled, as a result, great transparency is achieved and ambiguities, if any, tend to get demolished. And when they make a point, it is accepted without much hassle.  
  • Respect others & be respected: It is respect alone that begets respect. So, if you treat others with reverence and veneration, you will also be regarded likewise. Treating others with respect calls for displaying a highly social, concerned and sympathetic attitude. 
  • Avoid verbosity & speak only for effect: This calls for knowing when to speak and what to speak as also when not to speak. Silence is always golden and it creates an impact. If you avoid speaking much, you portray a good impression and contribute to make a dialogue meaningful. You simply have to remain calm, well-poised and unruffled at all times, even when you are making a point. It should be remembered that the words that you speak are important alright, but your gestures and other non-verbal communications need to be in sync with them too. Research has shown that while the spoken word is indeed important, body language is equally important, if not more. When you communicate carefully and diligently, you always connect better and avoid the risks of being viewed as somebody out to dispose off opposition. Therefore, it is essential that you do not play any blame games or indulge in any offensive conduct.
  • Assert yourself & influence others: You need to be able to prevail over others and this is best attainable if you recognise what they stand for. You need to listen to them without interrupting and not oppose any point just because it comes from a person whose ideas are not matching with yours. You will be able to influence others if, despite differences, you are able to channelize dialogues towards a common ground.

When you do not react unnecessarily to suggestions put across by others, you put yourself at an advantageous position. You are able to take up issues in a decent manner and assert yourself well; and without hurting anybody. And when that happens, people start putting in their best and the productivity of the team gets a boost. Such a boost is everybody’s dream! 

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