Saturday 21 January 2017

Qualities that determine your work performance

Every person has different penchants, turn of mind and viewpoints towards our lives, personal pursuits and capability to exert influence on various issues. Such outlooks and postulations serve to explain all our life and career attainments.
All our principles are based on several ideas and codes. You can well call them convictions and  together have an effect on our capabilities to carve out a successful career for ourselves. All successful people generally harbour such convictions in varying forms. However, the important ones pertain to your individual potential as relevant to the following attributes:
  • Willingness to learn new things: There is no person who remains qualified at all times to take on any responsibility that may be assigned to you. If that be so, no one can be said to possess the necessary expertise to be qualified to fit into the next higher slot at all times. There are people who stand down and feel that they simply cannot step into a higher position. Such an perspective is brought about by a feeling of having reached the limit and an inability to learn any further. Such an outlook is neither desirable nor advisable. It is thus necessary that you have full faith in your learning abilities and capacity to progress in your life.
  • Confidence in maintaining own individuality: If you seek to be successful, you simply cannot have a dual personality. You have to harbour an honest attitude, more so towards yourself; and more importantly, all your networking and relationships should be based on this principle. You will never be successful if you camouflage yourself in disguise. This implies that you should not maintain double standards and do things based on what others expect of you or tell you. If you do, you are more likely to lose your balance and thus will not conduct yourself in a logical  manner or within established norms of propriety. It should not be forgotten that apprehensions with regard to putting in your best will never stand you in good stead. It is always advised to acquit yourself in your own unique manner rather than imitating somebody else.
  • Awareness & appreciation of own adroitness: You will be able to make optimum use of your competencies if you are aware of them and also hold them in high respect. The foregoing makes it inescapable for you to have full confidence in your capabilities because in its absence, you will deprive yourself of any initiative and lose out on any opportunity that may come passing by.  And if you happen to be experiencing work-related stress and strain, you will evidently want to try new ways and means of applying yourself to your job. Under such situations, if you do not have confidence on yourself, success will surely elude you. It is thus essential that you remain fully aware of your adroitness and appreciate it to the maximum degree. 
  • Ability to be in command over oneself: The image of being self-confident and self-assured that you portray is defined by whatever you decide to think, do and experience. If you decide to think that you have no control over your life and that being successful is dependent on sheer destiny, you will for sure experience great feelings of being incapable. In the process, your life will become such that it revolves around only possibilities and probabilities. You need to think big and dream big because it is the dreams that eventually become realities, provided of course if they are practical. Whatever action you decide to initiate will give rise to new dreams and this will be a continual process. The outcome will be that you will be able to create for yourself a highest possible arrangement of living. Therefore, it should be clear that the singularly most important factor for success is hitching your wagon to the star and keep thinking of the good things that lie in store for you, working tirelessly to attain them. 
  • Confidence in your own actions: If you opt for a career that you think is not very relevant to you, there is every likelihood that you will not do well in it. You need to be passionate about your career and job because doing anything that you like serves to refresh and galvanise you. And when that happens, the outcome is success. You have to wholeheartedly believe each and everything you do. And most importantly, you must also have faith in yourself and your value. But if you keep your approach and outlook restricted in scope, you will never have satisfaction and sense of achievement in your life. It is thus necessary that you understand that there are several aspects that you need to be skilled at and that you are the best and well-suited to attain success. 
  • Perseverance to overcome obstacles: Your career journey cannot be expected to be smooth sailing all through and through. You will run into impediments and could possibly be quite a distressing experience. Quite a few people resign to fate and have no option but to stagnate. If there are obstacles in your career path, your progress is bound to be slowed down but in no way should prevent you from taking any initiative to overcome them, come what may. The situations that you face will have to be modified to be in harmony with you. You should make certain that you are never treated as somebody who has been adversely impacted. Remember that if at all there is somebody who can author your success story, it is you and you alone.

The position that you have been aspiring for could well be very far away. In the light of the foregoing, it is important to not lose hope and believe that you will accomplish whatever you set out for. Your optimism, confidence and cheerful outlook should be of such immensity that facilitates a favourable turn of events. And in the interim period, you should not let your resolution, perseverance and focus does take a beating.

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