Sunday 29 January 2017

Make your employers appreciate & admire you

People who are appreciated and admired by their employees are invariably full of enthusiasm; they are always sharp, astute, hardworking and most importantly, action-oriented. Such employees do not look for guidance at every stage but display a drive to persist and can take decisions independently. They also harbour a positive outlook and display utmost confidence in themselves and their actions. In addition, you will find them very systematic in their work and keep organisational interests above everything else. 
Can you get to know if your employer appreciate and admire you? Yes you can if you you are given more opportunities for training and advancement. Similarly, if your seniors trust you, it manifests your impressiveness and trustworthiness. If that happens, you will find that your bosses take interest in your work too and will be more than willing to offer you suggestions for better execution of tasks. You should understand that if you are a good performer, you will invariably be in the good books of your employers and colleagues alike. And of course, appreciated and admired employees advance in their careers faster than others.
How do you make your employers appreciate and admire you? The simple answer to this difficult question is, ‘You need to work hard and with sincerity’. Working hard is no cakewalk, but it is not very difficult either. First and foremost, you need to modify your work disposition. This fundamentally calls for discarding all improper work habits that you may have and acquire skills that boost your work output on a continuous basis. This would necessitate a relook at your principles; doing this will be a challenge and which you will have to face. And more importantly, you will have to make such attitudinal changes known to your management as also your determination to stick to them.
A first impression is always the last impression, they rightfully say. And employees who generate that always get appreciated and admired; and also taste success. Here are some qualities that you need to possess to get into the good books of your employer:
  • Truthfulness: You need to build for yourself an image of being honest, right-minded and upstanding in all that you do. there is no place for any pretence in your conduct and dealings because that is what truthfulness is all about. You should offer honest recommendations, frank advice and candid opinion. You should not forget that your integrity will be gauged accordingly and there any betrayal of trust imposed in you will be the most damaging element in your career.
  • Assiduity: You need to always be persevering and keep organisational interests above everything else. You have to be genuinely diligent and meticulous in all your dealings and efforts; and not portray an impression that you want to be noticed and that is why you are working  the way you are working. It is important to remember that your hard work will give a tremendous impetus to your individual and organisational productivity and worth. In a nutshell, whatever you do should be result-oriented.
  • Resoluteness: All good employees are devoted to constant progress in their careers. They are not satisfied with what they are and are always on the lookout for newer methods to increase their efficiency. While taking measures that to preclude committing mistakes, they realise that all mistakes are great learning experiences and make certain that they do not err repeatedly. In addition to workplace issues, good employees also seek to uplift their qualities of head and heart. They display intense feelings of determination to put their knowledge and skills to good use. By doing so, their productivity is indeed excellent and they emerge as indispensable individuals. 
  • Accountability: It is a known fact that good employees remain responsible to themselves and take full liability for whatever they do. As team leaders, they do not indulge in any blame games. In the event of any collective failure, it is their habit to not point any single individual but instead take the blame on themselves. Giving lame explanations is not in their character. In addition, good employees are more than willing to share workload of others and shoulder additional tasks voluntarily. They make excellent mentors and are always willing to render assistance of any sort to any person who approaches them.
  • Appreciativeness: The buzz word for workplace success today is camaraderie and team work. And that is why, good employers are invariably good team players. They understand the intricacies and significance of joint effort and joint effort. You should therefore, possess a great degree of canniness to check and gauge their own and other people’s sentiments that tend to influence their actions and conduct. Because they understand workplace dynamics and atmosphere better, they are more prone to accept changes and have an open mind. And that is precisely why they never budge to acknowledge and appreciate good work done by others.

Employers may not state this, but they know for certain who in their company is a good employee and who is not.  Employees who are proficient and who work in organisational interests are ‘good employees’ and will always be seen as organisational assets. If you understand what goes in to make a good employee and work hard to imbibe those qualities, you will earn the admiration of your employers. And needless to state, if you remain in the good books of your employers, you career interests will always be protected. 

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