Wednesday 8 February 2017

Do some career vetting

Every working individual seeks to do well in his or her career. The foregoing is prompted by the fact that career advancement evidently generates immense job satisfaction. If that be so, wouldn't you too make certain that your career bearings are correct and that you remain happy throughout your career journey? If your answer is in the affirmative, then you ought to be doing some introspection to discern the degree of your readiness to infuse your career with requisite energy and enthusiasm with the aim of rendering you more potent and forceful. 
It has been seen that practically every individual starts off his or her career with all motivation and strength of will. But as time rolls by, they lose out on their drive and determination. They then hope that their careers will themselves adopt mid-term corrections and get back on rail. And after some more years roll by, they realise, much to their chagrin though, that there is nothing that moves ahead without giving it an impetus.  In the light of the foregoing, you should understand things in their correct perspective, formulate an action plan and adhere to it. This can be made possible if you do some career vetting in relation to you current situation in an honest and sincere manner. Some tips for the purpose are:
  • Understand that success follows good planning: You will have to spare time to evaluate matters on a continuous basis and at the same time come out with ideas on how to go about or address them to serve your interests. In case you find yourself wanting in any field, you should make certain that you come up to the mark in it. It is simply an absence of appropriate knowledge and perception that has made you so. Remember that all changes call for time and therefore, it is necessary to have a complete understanding of various issues having an effect on you - adverse or otherwise - so that you are able to drive home the desired results.
  • Engender an all-inclusive picture of your career: If your mind has no ambiguity about what you have set out to attain in your life, you can assume safely that success will be yours. In fact, you are already close to it and it will come to you in due course of time. However, it is essential that you know and comprehend what success signifies to you in absolutely clear terms. The picture of success as pertinent to you having been envisaged, you have to then evaluate all facets of it, including any spelt out by others. Thereafter, you need to arrive at a well-reasoned  conclusion of what is actually applicable to you.
  • Set objectives in consonance with your own appreciation of success: You may have a boxful of aspirations. But they are not adequate grounds for you to be successful. You should be able to convert all your yearnings and goals into realities. This can be possible only if you set for yourself objectives that gel with your understanding of success because then they will serve to not make you deviate from the path that you embark upon. Additionally, such objectives will also assist in maintaining your gracefulness and balance. 
  • Associate yourself with people on success path: People with whom you spend time at work exercise the most dominant clout in the milieu that you live in. If you are really earnest about success, company of successful people will matter a lot. You should identify such people who could be followed and whose attributes you could imbibe. In addition, there will be many aspiring people like you; their company will help you in doing something great.
  • Be aware of your accountability: The degree of dominance that you exercise over your career is without any deviation, commensurate with the responsibility that you harbour towards it.  You need to focus on your work more and display an acute sense of devotion to duty. Such a disposition will boost your resolve and liberty to act as per your own preferences. If at you fail in any sphere of activity, you should never offer excuses or give an explanation for your weaknesses.  It will be in your interests to on the contrary, you should assume full responsibility for whatever you bring about in your career.
  • Be proactive if you seek positive outcomes: If you are result-oriented, you need to be forward-looking and ardent in your disposition. You need to be dynamic, take initiative and act with resolve to be able to achieve whatever you set out for. Remember that if your circumstances are not in your favour, you need to alter them to your advantage. 

Remember that the stage of your career at which you are today has been brought about by a decision that you made some years ago. If that be so, where do you want to be after five years or so? If you take your career seriously and carry out periodic vetting, there is no way that you will not reach there. The need is thus to set your bearings in the correct direction, which implies having a well thought of plan. 

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