Saturday 18 February 2017

Engineer & manage your professional success

If you look around you, you will find several individuals who have very high ambitions and aspirations. They always dream big and they get to have whatever they seek. The conduct and behaviour of such people is typical and by itself serves to make them great. On the other hand, there are people who conduct themselves in a manner that ensures that their careers nosedive. The writing on the wall is thus clear - success is all a matter of how you conduct yourself. You may set for yourself lofty objectives and envision things positively, it is the manner in which you go about doing things that holds the key to a successful career.
Everybody seeks satisfaction and contentment from one’s job, career and life. To be able to do that, you need to be aware of aspirations and also manoeuvre well to display a trademark that speaks of excellence. It is also necessary that in times of need, people support and stand by you. Six actions on your part will facilitate success in your career and life alike: 
  • Detach yourself from equivocation: You must be absolutely clear about your goals and what matters to you most. During the initial stages of your career, you could be rather weak, but with the passage of time, you need to become result-oriented. If you do not perform  well, just like many others, the reason is your inability to put your talents and skills to good use. In addition, you also lack skills to envision obstacles and tricky situations. It is therefore, essential that you remain alert to everything that is happening around you so that you have at your disposal different courses of action to deal with adverse contingencies.
  • Guard your boundaries: You should be adequately flexible in your approach so that you can protect your boundaries, have due concerns for your concerns and appreciate different imperatives of success. This can be made possible if you have no ambiguity in your mind about your objectives in life, including your career. You will always find many people who are aware of what they want to accomplish, but fail to make any effort, more so during the final stages. The result is that they fail miserably. You need to guard against such a happening.
  • Work wholeheartedly: Your devotion to work ought to be like the proverbial tree that faces a storm but does not shake with it. You should be able to take risks , but without being unnecessarily thoughtless. There is no harm in seeking external assistance when  you are stuck. In this way, you will be pledging yourself to working without pretence and sans any rigid outlook. Remember that those who are bent on overcoming their shortfalls certainly meet success faster than others who do not display such willingness.
  • Nurture good associations: The be no doubt in your mind that you can go about advancing in your career totally all by yourself. Having good contacts and friends in the right places is also a factor for achieving success in your career. Therefore, when you are networking, people with whom you strike association should be those with whom you enjoy mutual trust, integrity and principles. At the same time, you need to make certain that you do not fall prey to efforts of people out to dent your image and reputation. You must stay away from people who indulge in obedient flattery and cut-throat activities.  To put it in simple terms, all your relationships and networking should be based on honesty and frankness. 
  • Develop good communication skills: All successful people possess good communication skills. The manner in which they relate their efforts serves to impact others positively and inspire them. Men and women who make it big are always aware of the prompting factors behind their success stories and that they surely know the importance of their negotiating skills in influencing others. In other words, successful people know how to create a positive image in the environment so that they can elicit support and loyalty.
  • Transform anxiety to inspiration: No career journey is an easy ride; you will be plagued with anxious moments. If that be so, the need to maintain your calm and keep away perturbation of any kind needs no emphasis. You need to exhibit a very high level of accountability and professional competence so that you are well-poised to cope up with difficult challenges. merging challenges. If you fail to draw lessons from your past mistakes and apply your experience well to prevalent situations, you are there from where you started. therefore, you  should leave no stone unturned to convert your worries into motivating factors to achieve success.  

If you fail to adhere to the above, your career journey will be an extremely bumpy ride. You may or may not reach the endpoint that you had envisioned, but you will remain unnecessarily discontented.  Remember that an ambitious you will surely make progress. However, your ambitions will not be accomplished unless you display a high degree of persistence all throughout. If there can be anyone who will serve to truly and regularly impel you to move ahead, it will be you.

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