Saturday 18 February 2017

Walk your selected career path with a sense of purpose

      For a large majority of people, both men and women, getting into a career in which they will stick and that will offer the job contentment that they seek is by itself a journey of sorts. It is a fallacy that only the privileged  and rich achieve success in the career that they chose. The truth is that people not so privileged can also be successful. Yet, despite the foregoing, people have a tendency to believe that successful and opulent people became rich overnight. They do not understand that all of them started small and became rich because of their perseverance and hard work. 
Even if you acquiesce with the above and reflect upon the suitability of any career for you, you will not be able to make a decision with ease. There are three very important issues that you need to understand well:
  • Your principles & values that speak of you: It is necessary that you be aware of your values and principles based on which you have become the person you are. Certain things will fascinate you and certain things prompt you to discard them. When you decide to go in for a specific career option, it is all about yourself. because in the absence of any self-awareness, you will fail in your job interview. It has been seen that people focus unnecessarily on their kith and kin; and do not want to distance themselves from them. And there are others who like to work with only some colleagues rather than fit into any team. Now, it is all contingent on how much importance you attach to your values and principles; and in the process be geared up to experiment and also not to leave your comfort zone.
  • Your strengths and fortes: It is essential that you view with utmost seriousness activities that you are good at and come out with flying colours. Such activities invariably draw out the best of your capabilities and skills. Your strengths and fortes form the very basis of you exercising a particular career option. If you have a penchant for languages and are physically not very strong, armed forces may not be the correct career option for you. Therefore, the need to know your strengths needs no emphasis and which can be accomplished through a variety of means. In a nutshell, the procedure will also entail being sure of your likes and dislikes, your aspirations and the means to attain them. Considering the foregoing, your work and workplace should match your personality more than any other factor like salary, work location and organisational structure.
  • Things that you feel delighted doing: You should take precautions and ensure that you do not get ensnared in any untoward situation by getting into a career that you do not have like for. In all probability, you will have certain inherent traits that are inescapable for some appointment or the other. And there will exist opportunities and appointments wherein you can put such qualities to good use. It should not be forgotten that happiness and satisfaction in your job and career alike are extremely important issues and should always be points of consideration.
Some of us are indeed fortunate to have had a rich background and did not have to struggle much. And there also are many who have to really work very hard to sustain themselves to overcome challenges and progress in life. Irrespective of your background or current status, you can always live the life you want. It is essential that you aim big and be persistent in your efforts. If you seek to be a leader and a trendsetter, you should not be found wanting in zeal and ardour. 

Remember that you will continuously be subjected to tests on your devotion and loyalty. Your success will be contingent on the degree of your determination to keep excelling in every activity that you participate in or attain your objectives. In other words, whatever career you decide to embark upon, your prospects of success in it will remain high only if you work hard and with a sense of purpose. As long as you display passion, tenacity and confidence, you can do and attain anything in this world.

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