Saturday 11 February 2017

Pull through from a wrong career path

If you look around you, you will see many people who are stagnating in a job or stuck in a career that is not their cup of tea. You will run into scientists who wanted to be artists, lawyers who wanted to join the police or professors who dreamt of becoming doctors. The list could be endless - all not in professions that they once thought to be in, but doing well in them notwithstanding.
The reasons why people embark upon wrong career paths are many. Perhaps exigencies of life prompt them to do so. Monetary requirements could also well be the prime factor because unless you are financially stable, you cannot afford to be going ahead in your life in harmony with all your aspirations.  There are, by and large, four reasons why people get onto wrong career paths:
  • Total reliance on gut feelings: There is a general tendency among people to not trust their intuition at all. Gut feelings are actually your sixth sense that warn you about things to come or goad you to follow a specific course of action. They may also tell you to either maintain status quo in a matter or retrace your steps. In other words, they serve to prepare you to move ahead. But paying heed to them and disregarding decisions arrived at after considerations and deliberations can prove to be rather disastrous. Yes, it is agreed that gut feelings are also some sort of forewarning apparatuses, but true perspicacity and astuteness on matters related to your job and career implies weighing the pros and cons of every issue seriously. It is only then that your future will be happy and contented.
  • Disregarding advice of others: You should make a record of activities that interest you and from which, you get pleasure.  And because of this, you will feel delighted too and hence it will not take much effort on your part. It is essential that you do not get influenced by irrelevant matters and not try to imitate them or their dreams. At the same time, you should not ignore the advice of others, particularly when it comes from experienced people and those who you place great reliance on. However, you should keep in mind that there exists a possibility of such advice proving wrong. If that happens, you will land yourself in a situation that will be rather vexing, making your career path a real tough climb. In the light of the foregoing, you need to keep your wits about.
  • Failure to admit mistakes: In most cases, people who are on an incorrect career path are themselves responsible for their problems. If at all you have made mistakes, you must evaluate how they took place and initiate necessary steps to preclude their repetition. Turning a blind eye to blunders that commit is just not done. At an opportune time, you may decide to look for assistance so that you do not go off-track. It is also necessary that you do not let feelings of remorse afflict you forever because then you render yourself more or less dead. Remember that your mistakes should serve to inspire you and not be alibis. If you erred in taking a wrong career decision, let not pride or arrogance in any form hold you back from admitting to the fact and taking a counteractive action.
  • Wasting experience & qualifications gained: There are many men and women who were very passionate about their careers during initial stages, but as time passed, their outlook and disposition towards their work changed. Yet, it is a difficult thing to change careers because you fear that years spent working would go waste. And so would skills acquired and experienced gained be viewed similarly. Living a life like this is not recommended. Remember that life can only be understood backwards but has to be lived forward. Therefore, no amount of apprehensions should be allowed to gain an edge over you. 

You could be moving on an incorrect career path, but you can always pull through from it. You should be anticipative with regard to each and every happening in your career journey; and plan for managing adverse developments. Remember that life is all about maintaining your poise and hence it is inescapable to always remain confident, stable and pragmatic. 

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