Sunday 5 March 2017

Bag that coveted promotion

       A promotion is the gateway to more money and career progress; and more practical understanding and experience. Today, there are spiralling costs that pose problems to one’s lifestyle and therefore, a promotion is indeed a very welcome event. However, no promotion comes with ease and those who do attain one, are surely highly motivated and resolute. 
How do you go about to bag that coveted elevation in your organisation? Four actions and initiatives on your part that will help you in this context are:
  • Let everybody know your true worth: You simply cannot get a promotion unless your boss recommends you for the same. If that be so, you have to create a favourable impression on him and make certain that he is satisfied about your proficiency and integrity. This can be made possible if you work sincerely and do not falter on tasks assigned to you. It is necessary that you always keep the interests of your company above everything else.  You should not work to only get noticed, though that also is essential to stand out and make an impact. If your boss is witness to your hard work, he will definitely be impressed. And to impress him properly, besides being systematic in your approach, you need to also delegate responsibilities to juniors. All this may turn out to be nerve-racking, but you should be able to work under stress and strain as well. You have to establish your credibility and make your value known to be rewarded.
  • Do some self-promotion: The best way to be included in a promotion list is by exerting yourself and giving more than the usual to your company. You need to go beyond your assigned charter of responsibilities to be acknowledged as a good employee. You have to work your way up and demonstrate that you really deserve a promotion. You could volunteer for additional responsibilities and even ask your boss if you could be of any assistance in his work. Of course, helping out your colleagues will always help you in getting recognised. There is no harm in occasionally staying after office hours once in a while to help others; but the most important aspect is to be punctual at all times.
  • Give a fillip to your boss’ image as well: You should not restrict your efforts in boosting your image only. You need to do so for the boss as well. This can be done if you apply yourself diligently to your work and adopt a positive attitude towards it. During routine conversations, he can be also spoken about for his abilities and that it is a great working experience to be part of his team. If an opportunity is afforded, you could team up with him for a special assignment. The crux of the matter is to endeavour to provide your best output; if you are noticed, your boss will feel good and will be more than willing to recommend a rise for you.
  • Don't be reluctant to demand a promotion: There is no harm in making your demand for a promotion known. You can seek an appointment with your boss and convince him that you have been working hard and to the satisfaction of all; and hence deserve a promotion. Remember that the reasons that you offer should be accurate, truthful and based on corroborated by factual information. You have to be persuasive and perceptive at the same time; the other person should also recognise your zeal to improve your skills. Normally, promotions are announced in bulk, but if you ask for one, you may get one subject to your boss being appreciative of you.

A promotion is without fail granted to employees who work hard and are efficient. If your efforts lead to greater productivity, you will certainly be recognised and the prospects of a promotion coming your way will indeed be more. You should not forget that at the time of your selection, you were gauged higher than others and met interviewer expectations. It is essential that such expectations be surpassed if you want a promotion.  There are innumerable people who can produce excellent results and outputs if they have an impending promotion ahead of them. They are the people who work for ulterior motives; for promotion you need to be someone for whom sincerity is a habit. And more importantly, you should never lose out on your enthusiasm because that will be always your engine of success. 

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