Sunday 5 March 2017

Work untiringly & adeptly to succeed

If you work with sincerity and keep your organisational interest in mind, you will come into limelight and get acknowledged. Such a development will play an important role in your career advancement. This is largely because your zeal will help you maintain your focus, sans which, you cannot  do well. If you work untiringly, it may also men working beyond stipulated timings, but will that brand you as well-organised and systematic to have your work acknowledged.
Besides working untiringly, you also need to adopt different methods to be quick-witted and proficient at your job. There are fundamentally two issues that you need to comprehend. The first one is that it is only smart work that helps you to attain your objectives. But if you do not work smart and instead toil like a mule, success will never come to you because there will be no credit accruing to you. You may exert to keep abreast with all workplace developments and try to perform accordingly; however, doing just that may not for sure guarantee you a rise or make you an expert to engage yourself in an independent enterprise. The second issue is that hard work tends to destabilise your wellbeing by disturbing your work-life balance. For example, you may neglect your personal well-being or overlook your domestic matters; the adverse effects of such disregards may not seem of significance today, but will strike you in a big way after some time. That is the time you will repent for not maintaining a proper work-life balance. Remember that your quality of life is influenced by stiff endeavours. Prolonged working hours impose inherent demands to exert more. This can lead to fatigue, nervous breakdown and feeling of hopelessness. You may end up being in a perennial state of depression and wretchedness. 
Nobody, including you will ever dream of being in a state of despondency. The million dollar question therefore, is how you get away from your current unfavourable state and begin to work smartly. Some tips are:
  • Have your priorities straight: Before you start out to deal with any issue that affects you, it is necessary that you have your priorities straight. You need to accord precedence after considering situational exigencies and relative significance. The foregoing calls for arranging your daily routine appropriately and attain the maximum as you focus your skills to a particular aspect. You are more charged up to address important matters as the day begins; that is why important activities are scheduled early so that you are impelled to deal with remaining issues in a superior manner rather than in a manner lacking any obvious principle of organisation.
  • Set practical objectives for accomplishment: Your maiden move need not necessarily be big jump. It is neither advisable nor feasible to try accomplishing several things simultaneously. However, if they are inter-related and are mutually supported, you may be able to do so. Therefore, it is always better to select one or maximum two objectives at any given time and devote your entire effort in attaining them. In case you attempt to take on several goals at the same time, all that you would achieve would be indistinct pricks; and at the end of the day there would be no advancement to your credit at all. It is advancement alone, howsoever small it may be, that will offer you pleasure and contentment.
  • Don't hesitate to ask for help: Everybody harbours a hidden desire to rise in an organisation and claim credit. In your pursuit towards excellence and success, you definitely require advice, encouragement and help from others. Assistance can manifest itself in several ways – direct and indirect – and help you stay focused on your work. While members of your family can do so by taking care of your personal needs, your co-workers can help by rendering professional support, including sharing your workload, particularly in spheres in which you may not be practiced.
  • Take an occasional break: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so they say. When you work for three-quarters of a day, you will have to pay the price for it too. There are few stories of business magnates who did so, but had nothing adverse coming their way. Such instances are exceptions. People may have been successful in creating a monumental domain for themselves, but surely things could have been greater if they took breaks. Indulging in pursuits that are tenuously imaginative or that call for intense deliberations is alright, you will not attain absolute success if you refrain from putting your feet up. When you pursue a hobby or engage yourself in a leisure activity, you breathe a new life into your work and the manner in which you go about doing it. You then start generating maximum outputs at work.

It needs to be appreciated that being happy, motivated and contented at work actually an outcome brought about by your decision to be so. In case you have a mindset to the contrary, you will have to alter it. Happiness will automatically be yours to experience if you have a peaceful sleep at night and during the day, you engage yourself in work that you genuinely seek to do. And that is precisely what being smart is essentially all about.

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