Sunday 4 March 2018

Delight in your work when you cross fifty

In any organisation, everybody does not reach the top. It is at some stage or the other that one feels that further advancement is ruled out. This generally happens when one is around fifty; it is at tis phase of life that one realises what work and life is all about and also the importance of striking a balance between the two.
Today, the workplace environment has changed. New technologies have been dovetailed into working methodologies. Somebody who is elderly may not be conversant with all of them as compared to youngsters. But that does not men that the elderly should compulsorily retire. In fact, adjustments should be made to facilitate drawing pleasure from one’s work. Any person who has crossed the age of fifty needs to display additional flexibility and accept changes. The following tips can be of great use:
  • Be mentally & physically robust: Elderly workers face various obstacles and the best way is to remain as young as possible. This can be achieved by including physical exercise in one’s regimen and maintaining a positive outlook towards life as a whole.
  • Know yourself well: You should be well aware of your personality traits and preferences, including those that help you in remaining happy. Such knowledge will facilitate in making sound decisions.
  • Plan for years ahead: There is every likelihood that you neglected other aspects of your life. and focussed more on your work. If the same is applicable to you,there should be no feeling of guilt. Now that you have some time at your disposal, it will be worthwhile to spend a portion of it reflecting over how you intend keeping yourself busy in the coming years.
  • Be pragmatic in your approach:  Having lived nearly two-hires of your life, you cannot think of becoming the Head of State. You should set for yourself simple objectives so that you can delight in the benefits that accrue upon their accomplishment.
  • Assist & help others: You should know what your strengths are and how they can be put to good use so that others benefit from them. Now is the most appropriate time to understand that you too can benefit if you help others. It is necessary that you boost the fulfilment of your own potential.
  • Appreciate the younger generation: It is your moral duty to appreciate youngsters. You must help them out if they get stuck. It is only then that they will genuinely respect and help you.
  • Handle worries sternly: All changes are worrisome and pose problems of adjustment. You should discuss changes being experienced by you frankly with all concerned, including with your loved ones at home. 
  • Don't be unnecessarily concerned about material possessions:  At the stage of life that you are, you would have surely done well for yourself. Therefore, money should not be an important consideration, you cannot disregard it altogether because you still need it to live your life well. But you need to focus more on your personal satisfaction, doing things that you have been unable to do and playing a useful social role.
  • Use your networking to your advantage: You should realise that walking your career path when you have crossed fifty may not be possible all by yourself. You will have to seek assistance from others and for which, your networking should be utilised to gain information and advice.
  • Don't be rigid: With the passage of time, you would have become used to some methods of doing thing. Nw that things are different, you need to shed that rigidity and find new ways to make small adjustments so that you are able to achieve the best.
  • Don't rule out possibilities: The stage of life that you are at does not warrant a regular nine to six job for you. You should explore all available options to keep yourself busy and do some rewarding and gainful work.  Some feasible alternatives are mentoring and part-time job to keep yourself busy and still have an earning. Even self-employment is not a bad option at all. But remaining in a permanent job is always an attractive proposition.
Your life as a person who has walked the earth for fifty years plus can turn out to be the most precious happening if you are certain of what you can do and accomplish. It is advisable to be blind worries and not pay attention to inconsequential matters. Helping others will offer you solace and contentment; and hence you should not shy away from doing it. And of course, spending your valuable time with your family will surely give you immense satisfaction, something that people your age always look for. 

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